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U sklopu modernizacije JANAF-a pristupljeno je proširenju funkcionalnosti naftovoda Terminal Omišalj – Terminal Sisak s transporta „nafta u jednom smjeru“ prema transportu „nafta u oba smjera“. U tu svrhu provedeni su čistači (pigovi) radi snimanja postojećeg stanja cijevi. U sklopu ovog rada proveden je proračun čvrstoće cjevovoda na stacionarna stanja protoka u oba smjera. Obzirom da se radi o održavanju, proračuni su provedeni prema zakonskoj regulativi u vrijeme gradnje cjevovoda. Dodatno, proveden je proračun prema važećoj normi EN 13480 i rezultati su uspoređeni. As part of the modernization of JANAF, the extension of the functionality of the oil pipeline Terminal Omišalj - Terminal Sisak from “transportation in one direction” to “transportation in both directions” is accessed. For this purpose, pig units were carried out to establish the existing pipeline condition and within this work the pipeline strength calculation was performed on the stationary flow conditions in both directions. As maintenance is concerned, the calculations were carried out according to the legal regulations during the pipeline construction. In addition, the analysis was carried out according to EN 13480 and the results compared. |