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Kulturno-kreativni sektor drastično je i dugoročno ekonomski pogođen uslijed krize prouzrokovane pandemijom bolesti Covid-19. Kriza je pritom iznjedrila i problem neodrživosti načina financiranja zasnovanog na projektnom tipu rada te nužnosti stvaranja održivog modela ulaganja u sektor. Digitalizacijom kulturno-umjetničkih sadržaja kultura bi postala dostupna široj populaciji, no i u toj se sferi nailazi na poteškoće. Glazbena je industrija također snažno pogođena pandemijom, a najveći je ekonomski pad doživjela zbog nemogućnosti koncertne aktivnosti. Velik pad doživjeli su i prihodi od autorskih prava te prihodi vezani uz sektor oglašavanja. Glazbene organizacije diljem svijeta razvile su mehanizme za ublažavanje ekonomskih posljedica pandemije, no navedeni mehanizmi samo usporavaju dugoročne učinke krize. Streaming platforme doživljavaju snažan razvoj u posljednjih nekoliko godina, a dolaskom pandemije taj se napredak znatno ubrzao. Utjecaj takvih platformi na glazbenu umjetnost tijekom pandemije bez sumnje je vrlo značajan budući da sve više glazbenika proširuje svoj utjecaj plasirajući svoje izvedbe putem novih digitalnih medija. Ta je digitalna mogućnost suvremenog društva glazbenicima osigurala egzistenciju, a njihovoj publici zabavu, interakciju te estetsko iskustvo u sigurnosti vlastitog doma. The cultural and creative sector has been drastically and long-term economically affected by the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The crisis also raised the problem of unsustainability of the financing methods based on the project type of work and the necessity to create a sustainable model of investment in this sector. Digitization of cultural and artistic content would make culture accessible to a wider population, but even in this area difficulties are found. The music industry was also hit hard by the pandemic and experienced the biggest economic downturn due to the impossibility of concert activity. Revenues from copyrights and revenues related to the advertising sector also fell greatly. Music organizations around the world have developed mechanisms to soothe the economic consequences of the pandemic, but these mechanisms are only slowing down the long-term effects of the crisis. Streaming platforms have experienced strong development in recent years, and with the arrival of the pandemic that progress was considerably accelerated. The impact of these platforms on music art during a pandemic is undoubtedly very significant as more and more musicians expands their influence by placing their performances through new digital media. This digital possibility of modern society has provided musicians with a livelihood, and their public with entertainment, interaction and an aesthetic experience in the security of their own home. |