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Za vrijeme političkih kampanja, ali i svakodnevno, političari se žele predstaviti kao osobe koje će sve promijeniti na bolje, te kako bi im ljudi vjerovali i dali svoj glas oni se moraju predstaviti u “najboljem svjetlu”. Tema su ovog diplomskog rada metode i taktike odnosa s javnošću s kojima se oni pokušavaju prikazati u “najboljem svjetlu”. Kroz rad prikazat će se koje sve tehnike, taktike, strategije, metode i modeli postoje u odnosima s javnošću te čime se najviše koriste političari tijekom svojih političkih kampanja. Naglasit će se po čemu se razlikuju politički odnosi s javnošću te što sve ide u planiranje političke kampanje. Kao studija slučaja prikazat će se predsjednički izbori 2019. godine u Hrvatskoj te će naglasak biti na dvoje kandidata koji su prošli u drugi krug izbora - Kolindu Grabar-Kitarović i Zorana Milanovića. Osim nešto općenito o njima, pobliže će se objasniti kako su navedeni kandidati i njihovi stožeri pokušali pridobiti većinu glasova za pobjedu. During political campaigns, but also on daily basis, politicians want to present themselves as people who will change everything for the better, and in order for people to trust them and vote for them, they must present themselves in the best light possible. The topic of this master thesis is the methods and tactics in public relations, with which they try to present themselves in the ˝best light˝. The thesis will show which techniques, tactics, strategies, methods and models exist in public relations and what do politicians use the most during their political campaigns. It will be shown in more detail how does political PR differ and what goes into planning a political campaign. As a case study, this thesis will present the presidential elections of 2019 in Croatia, and the focus will be on two candidates who made it to the second round of the election - Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović and Zoran Milanović. In addition to something general about them, it will be shown in more detail how the mentioned candidates and their PR staff tried to win the majority of votes for victory. |