Fairy ring

Autor: Gotal, Klaudia
Přispěvatelé: Matoković, Mario
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Vilino kolo” naziv je za grafički poliptih inspiriran carstvom gljiva, koje pažnju privlače prvenstveno svojim izgledom a potom i definicijom koja nalaže da nisu ni životinje, ni biljke već su kao takve nedefinirane. Na početku rada, daje se uvid u morfologiju gljiva radi boljeg i lakšeg razumijevanja elemenata koji su prikazani u tehnikama dubokog tiska, prije svega bakropisa, reservagea i slijepog tiska. Iako graniči s apstrakcijom, tim elementima pristupam figurativno, kroz mikro i makro prikaze, kako bi do naglaska došla naizgled skrivena vizualnost gljiva, koju želim razotkriti i predočiti gledatelju. Kružna kompozicija, odnosno postav, odraz je naziva ovog djela; Vilino kolo prirodni je fenomen u kojem gljive rastu u formaciji kružnice / elipse. Tako zatvaram cjelinu, ali i postavljam temelj za nastavak, napredak i širenje rada. Fairy ring“ is the name for polyptych graphics inspired by the kingdom Fungi, which attract attention primarily by their appearance and then by the definition that dictates that they are neither animals nor plants, but as such are undefined. At the beginning of the paper, an insight into the morphology of fungi is given for a better and easier understanding of the elements presented in the techniques of etching, reservage and embossing. Although it borders on abstraction, I approach these elements figuratively through micro and macro representations in order to emphasize the seemingly hidden visuality of mushrooms that I want to reveal and present to the viewer. The circular composition or exhibition is a reflection of the title of this work; The fairy ring is a natural phenomenon in which fungi grow in a circle / ellipse formation. In this way, I close the whole, but also lay the foundation for the continuation, progress and expansion of work.
Databáze: OpenAIRE