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U ovom završnom radu 'Kultura i ples – profesionalni plesači u kulturnim i kreativnim industrijama' objasnit će se značenje pojmova kulture, plesa, značaja i vaţnost plesa u kontekstu razvoja civilizacije, te vaţnost plesa kao umjetničke i kulturološke komponente civilizacije. Glavna tema ovog završnog rada je iskustvo profesionalnih plesača u kulturnim i kreativnim industrijama, te uz metodu provedbe dubinskog intervjua i analize istoga, proći će se sve potrebne definicije i obrazloţenja raznih vrsta plesova, povijesti plesa, izvedbene umjetnosti, kulturne i kreativne industrije i drugih. Budući da je završni rad na hrvatskom jeziku i proveden je na hrvatskom sveučilištu takoĎer će većina ispitanika biti hrvatski graĎani ili profesionalni plesači koji rade u hrvatskoj plesnoj industriji, uz poneke strane individualce i individualce koji rade u drugim europskim drţavama. Cilj ovog završnog rada je pojasniti navedene teme, te pribliţiti i razumjeti radne uvjete i odnose, uz sama mišljenja ispitanika o profesionalnom plesu u kulturnoj i kreativnoj industriji. Način ispunjenja cilja tj. provoĎenja metodoloških okvira je kroz dubinski intervju s profesionalnim plesačima u kojima su oni podijelili svoja iskustva. Dobiveni rezultati istraţivanja proširili su vidike o plesnom svijetu, prikazali su stvarnost izvedbenog i plesnog svijeta, ukazali su na probleme izvedbene umjetnosti i odnosa plesača i poslodavaca u Hrvatskoj, a i u svijetu, te su ukazali i na njihovu ljubav prema plesu i umjetnosti. n this final paper 'Culture and dance - professional dancers in the cultural and creative industries', the meaning of culture, dance, significance and importance of dance in the context of the development of civilization will be explained, as well as the importance of dance as an artistic and cultural component of civilization. The main topic of this thesis is the experience of professional dancers in the cultural and creative industries, and along with the method of conducting an in-depth interview and analysis of the same, all necessary definitions and explanations of various types of dances, history of dance, performing arts, cultural and creative industries and others will be covered. Since the final thesis is in the Croatian language and was conducted at a Croatian university, the majority of respondents will also be Croatian citizens or professional dancers working in the Croatian dance industry, with some foreign individuals and individuals working in other parts of Europe. The goal of this final paper is to clarify the mentioned topics, and to bring closer and understand working conditions and relationships, along with the respondents' opinions about professional dance in the cultural and creative industry. The way to fulfill the goal, i.e. to implement the methodological framework, is through an in-depth interview with professional dancers in which they shared their experiences. The obtained research results broadened the horizons of the dance world, showed the reality of the performance and dance world, pointed out the problems of performance art and the relationship between dancers and employers in Croatia and in the world, and also pointed out their love for dance and art. |