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Diplomski rad Unutarnji krajolik integriran u umjetnički rad kroz grafičke tehnike dubokog tiska i cijanotipije bavi se istraživanjem motiva krajolika kroz intimistički pristup vlastitog svijeta promišljanja i djelovanja. U radu prikazan je motiv krajolika u radovima različitih umjetnika, njihova veza s prirodom te njezino poimanje. Prema tome, u radu su spomenuti umjetnici koji su motiv krajolika kao samostalnu temu uveli u svijet umjetnosti, ali i oni koji ga koriste kao simboličku komponentu rada, poput Richarda Longa te Andyja Goldsworthyja. Rad je započet traganjem i istraživanjem vlastitog identiteta pomoću krajolika te je vlastiti umjetnički rad u obliku knjige umjetnika rezultat takvog istraživanja. Knjiga umjetnika spoj je grafičkih listova koji sadrže grafičke tehnike dubokog tiska te alternativne metode fotografije, cijanotipije. The work entitled Inner Landscape Integrated into Artwork Through Graphic Techniques of Intaglio Printing and Cyanotype attempts to research the motif of landscape by means of an intimate world of thoughts and actions. The work shows the motif of landscape in the works of different artists, their connection to nature and the ways in which they comprehend it. Therefore, the work mentions all those artists who have introduced the motif of landscape into the world of art as an independent topic as well as those who have used it as a symbolic component in their work (e.g. Richard Long and Andy Goldsworthy). This research is based on the search for the author’s identity using landscapes, the result of which is the work of art in the form of an artist's book. This artist’s book is a collection of prints that includes the printmaking techniques of intaglio and the alternative photography method of cyanotype. |