Autor: Juriša, Luka
Přispěvatelé: Vladimirov, Vladimir, Bobić, Davor
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Ovim seminarskim radom želim pokazati što je tambura samica, nešto reći o njenoj povijesti, o tehnikama sviranja, kako i gdje se svirala tambura samica prije, a gdje danas i koja joj je funkcija. Osim toga prikazati ću notne zapise mojih prijašnjih istraživanja s terena. Slavonci i baranjci uživaju u obilju blagostanja, a urođeni pjesnički i glazbeni dar pomogao im je stvoriti lijepe narodne melodije. Mnogi od njih izvrsni su narodni pjevači, frulaši, gajdaši te samičari. Ovim radom vam želim još pokazati koliko me zanima folklorna glazba i stari običaji, koje sam sve skupa objedinio u ovaj seminarski rad. Takve stvari ne bi trebale otići u zaborav. The aim of this term paper is to define the string instrument called "tambura samica" to describe its history, strumming techniques and how and where was tamburica samica played before, where is it played today and determine its purpose. Futhermore, it will be presented musical notation from my previous research and field reports. Slavonians and people in Baranja take pleasure in abundance of well-being, poetic and musical gift, which is natural to us, has had helped to create beautiful folk melodies. Many of them are country singers, flute, bagpipe and samica players. With this term paper I also want to show my affection for folklore music and old traditions, which I included in this term paper. Such things should not be forgotten.
Databáze: OpenAIRE