Autor: Kovačević, Stella
Přispěvatelé: Kozina, Zlatko, Begić, Amir
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Downov sindrom je poremećaj koji nastaje uslijed viška jednog kromosoma ili dijela kromosoma u jezgri svake stanice tijela. Smatra se jednim od najčešćih poremećaja i to naročito u djece čije majke imaju 35 godina i više, no to nije nužno pravilo. U nastavi, likovnost i likovno izražavanje pomažu nastavnicima doprijeti do učenika s poteškoćama, do istih koji imaju poteškoća sa socijalnim interakcijama te do učenika koji se teže verbalno izražavaju. Mnogi čimbenici utječu na karakteristike crteža, poput dobi, intelektualno-emocionalne stimulacije, edukativno-pedagoških postupaka, obilježja ličnosti djeteta, utjecaja ranog učenja i motivacije djeteta. Djeca s Downovim sindromom, jednako kao i djeca bez teškoća, imaju potrebu za likovnim izražavanjem pri čemu angažiraju sve svoje sposobnosti i nastoje prikazati svijet i predmete oko sebe usprkos tome što nemaju dostatnu predodžbu o njima. Art terapija pruža mogućnosti psihoterapiji koja se ne oslanja samo na verbalnu interakciju. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti nastanak Downovog sindroma i prikazati važnost umjetnosti na razvoj djece s tim poremećajem te pokazati kako likovnost utječe na njihov razvoj i na iskazivanje njihovih osjećaja i emocija. Istraživanje je provedeno u Udruzi Ozana, u Centru za rehabilitaciju i radne aktivnosti u Zagrebu. Istraživanje je provedeno kao kombinacija akcijskog istraživanja i sustavnog promatranja. Također, proveden je i slobodni intervju s likovnom terapeutkinjom koja djeluje u udruzi. Tijekom istraživanja zaključili smo kako art terapija pozitivno utječe na razvoj i motoriku svakog štićenika i da na taj način oni razvijaju pažnju, misli i osjećaje. Iz dobivenih rezultata istraživanja možemo zaključiti kako udruga i sama art terapija pozitivno utječu na djecu i odrasle s Downovim sindromom, ali također i osobe s drugim poteškoćama. Također možemo zaključiti da su osobe s Downovim sindromom jednako vrijedne kao i svi ostali ljudi i da ih se treba uključivati u društvo i svakodnevne aktivnosti. Oni posjeduju veliki potencijal i mogućnosti i stoga je važan rad i rana intervencija za njihovu inkluziju u društvo. Down syndrome is a disorder that results from the excess of one chromosome or part of the chromosome in the nucleus of each cell of the body. It is considered to be one of the most common disorders, especially in children whose mothers are 35 years and older, but this is not necessarily the rule. In teaching, fine arts and visual expression help teachers reach students with difficulties, those who have difficulties with social interactions, and students who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally. Many factors influence the characteristics of a drawing, such as age, intellectual-emotional stimulation, educational-pedagogical procedures, characteristics of a child's personality, the impact of early learning and the motivation of a child. Children with Down Syndrome, as well as children without disabilities, have a need for artistic expression, in which they engage all their abilities and strive to portray the world and the objects around them, despite not having a sufficient idea of them. Art therapy provides opportunities for psychotherapy that does not rely solely on verbal interaction. The aim of this paper was to investigate the onset of Down Syndrome and to show the importance of art in the development of children with the disorder and to show how art influences their development and expression of their feelings and emotions. The study was conducted at the Ozana Association at the Center for Rehabilitation and Occupational Activities in Zagreb. The research was conducted as a combination of action research and systematic observation. Also, a free interview with an art therapist working in the association was conducted. During the research, we concluded that art therapy has a positive effect on development and motor skills of each protégé, and thus they develop attention, thoughts and feelings. From the results of research, we can conclude that association and art therapy itself have a positive effect on children and adults with Down syndrome, but also on people with other disabilities. We can also conclude that people with Down Syndrome are just as valuable as any other people and should be included in society and in their daily activities. They have great potential and potential and therefore important work and early intervention is important for their inclusion in society.
Databáze: OpenAIRE