Enrique Granados: Danzas españolas

Autor: Bauer Marijanović, Silvija
Přispěvatelé: Krasnitsky, Konstantin, Krasnitskaya, Yuliya
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: „Danzas españolas“ djelo je španjolskog skladatelja Enriquea Granadosa. Odabir ovoga djela pokazuje određenu zrelost pri sviranju, kako bi se moglo okarakterizirati detaljnije ono što je sam skladatelj želio postići stvaranjem ovoga djela. Kako bi se ono izvelo, potrebno je educiranje, odnosno stvaranje svog osobnog mišljenja i stava o ovakvoj vrsti glazbe. Granados je, uz Albeniza, bio skladatelj tzv. novije glazbe njihova vremena. Iako potpuno različiti u svojemu načinu skladanja i interpretiranja, njih vežu i određene sličnosti. Neovisno o sličnostima, Granados je bio jedinstven. „12 španjolskih plesova“ doista sadrže 12 cjelovitih plesova koji su karakterno vrlo slični, iako ih razlikuju partiture. Karakter koji je Granados nastojao pokazati – španjolski i svoj osobni psihološki profil – istaknut je kroz sve plesove ovoga ciklusa. On dočarava ljepotu španjolske glazbe te ujedno i crtu Granadosovog stvaralaštva koja se prožima cijelim djelom. Za ovo je potrebno poznavati crtice iz njegove biografije kako bi shvatili trnovit put prema onome što je zaista želio. „Danzas españolas“ je njegovo maestralno djelo i velik „zalogaj“ za diplomski rad u kojemu jedan pijanist mora pokazati razumijevanje prema samome djelu, prema sazrijevanju koje je stekao prilikom studiranja te, u konačnici, veliko interpretacijsko umijeće. "Danzas españolas" is a piece from Spanish composer Enrique Granados. Selecting and performing this piece shows a certain amount of maturity. In order to better characterise what the composer himself wanted to achieve by creating this piece, it is necessary to educate oneself - to create your own personal opinion and attitude towards this type of music. Granados, along with Albeniza, was the composer of so-called newer music (at that time). Although they differ in their way of composing and interpreting music, they also share certain similarities. Regardless of the similarities, Granados was unique, his „12 Spanish Dances“ really contain 12 complete dances. All of them are very similar in character, although they differ in partiture; but character which Granados tried to show (Spanish + his personal psychological profile) was highlighted through all of them in this cycle. They capture the beauty of Spanish music and at the same time the line of Granados's work, which permeates throughout the whole piece (for this it is necessary to know certain parts from his biography to better understand the hardships and struggle he endured to achieve something that he really wanted). "Danzas españolas" is his greatest masterpiece and a really big "bite" for the Graduation thesis, in which a pianist can show understanding of the piece, the maturity that was acquired during studies and, ultimately, the art of interpretation he or she has honed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE