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Ovaj rad bavi se kostimografijom triju autorskih likova koji su inspirirani romanom Francisa Scotta Fitzgeralda Veliki Gatsby koji je i dan danas obvezna lektira u srednjim školama. U ovom radu možemo upoznati tri lika: Plesačicu, Vlasnika kluba i Vlasnikovog prijatelja. Saznajemo što im se dogodilo i koja je njihova priča. Isto tako, ovaj rad bavi se dvadesetim godinama 20. stoljeća, što je vrijeme radnje gorenavedenogromana. Za potpun doživljaj potrebno je znanje o odjevnim predmetima koji su se nosili tih godina, od finih materijala od kojih su se izrađivale večernje haljine, do muških odijela i odjeće radničke klase. U ovom radu možemo pročitati kako su nastali kostimi za Plesačicu, Vlasnika kluba i Vlasnikovog prijatelja te kako su nastale same skice (skice silueta kostima, kolorit za kostime, kostimski rekviziti, nakit i šminka). Između ostalog, rad se bavi značenjem boja, te objašnjava zašto je odjeća za ta tri lika dizajnirana na određen način, kako sam odabrao materijale za odjeću te zašto su određeni materijali odabrani. This paper discusse the costume design of three characters inspired by Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, which is a mandatory reading in Croatian high schools. In the short excerpt, we meet three characters: the Dancer, the Club Owner and the Owner’s Friend. We learn about their background stories and what had happened to them. At the same time, this work deals with 1920s, when the aforementioned novel also takes place. We learn about the clothing worn in the 1920s, ranging from nightgowns made from fine materials to men’s suits and workers’ clothes. In this paper, there are three costumes presented, the Dancer’s, the Club Owner’s, and the Owner’s Friend’s costume. The paper explains how the costumes were designed, as well as how the sketches were made (costume silhouette sketches, coloured sketches, costume props, jewelry and make up.) Other than that, this paper discusses the meaning of colors, why the clothing of the three characters is designed in a certain way, which materials were chosen and why those specific materials were chosen. |