Video game and esports industry development strategies

Autor: Sabljić, Stjepan
Přispěvatelé: Šebo, Damir
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Videoigre su postale jedno od 12 čvorišta kreativnih industrija. Posljednjih godina, smatraju se jednom od najbrže rastućih industrija. Osim računalnih igara i igara za konzole, pojavio se novi medij za koje se prave videoigre, a to su mobilni uređaji. No, uz videoigre se pojavila potpuno nova industrija koja je polako rasla uz popularnost i razvoj medija video igara. Ta nova industrija je esport, koja bilježi astronomske brojke i diže prašinu u medijima. Iako je prije bila marginalna, esport industrija bilježi veliki rast svake godine, a predviđanja su sve bolja. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kako je paralelno s popularnošću videoigara rasla i scena esporta. Također, prikazan je statistički rast gledanosti i ulaganja u industriju kao i kontrast današnjeg stanja industrija, povijesni razvoj video igara i esporta. Video games have become one of the 12 hubs od the creative industries and in recent years have been the fastest growing industry. In addition to computer games and console games, new media have emerged for which video games are made, and these are mobile devices. But with video games, a whole new industry emerged that slowly grew with the popularity and decelopment od video game media. That new industry is esport which is recording astronomical numbers and gathering attention in the media. Although previously marginal, the esport industry is growing rapidly each year, and forcasts are getting even better. Goal of this paper is to show how the esports scene grew in parallel with the popularity of video games. Also, the statistical growth of ratings and investments in industry is presented, and a brief presentation, as a contrast of the historical development of video games and esports. The methods of making this paper are description and compilation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE