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Završnim radom, Ekološki pristup u vizualnoj umjetnosti, potiče promatrače na razmišljanje o zagađivanju prirode te ih želi osvijestiti o tome problemu. Koristeći nove tehnike, likovni je rad izrađen od otpada. Time se želi naglasiti važnost materijala, jer reciklirani se otpad može iznova upotrijebiti u svrhu izrade kiparskog rada. Kao što se otpad dijeli na plastiku, staklo i papir, tako je i ovaj rad podijeljen na tri skulpture napravljene od jednog od ta tri materijala. Opisan je svaki korak nastajanja skulptura i obrađena je tema ekologije u umjetnosti te su navedeni umjetnici koji autorici služe kao inspiracija i na koje se referira u radu. Final work Ecological Approach in Visual Arts, encourages observers to think about nature pollution and wants to make them aware of this problem. Using new techniques, the artwork is made from waste, and thus it wants to emphasize the importance of the material, because by recycling the waste author can reuse it for the purpose of making sculptural work. Just as waste is divided into plastic, glass and paper, this work is divided into three sculptures and each is made of one of these three materials. Each step of the creation of sculptures is described and the topic of ecology in art is elaborated, and the artists who serve as the author's inspiration and to whom the work refers are listed. |