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O vremenu možemo razmišljati, govoriti ili pisati koristeći jednu od dviju vremenskih perspektiva, kretanje ega ili kretanje vremena. Ako neki događaj percipiramo statičnim, a sebe kao da se kroz vrijeme krećemo prema događaju, riječ je o perspektivi kretanja ega. Percipiramo li sebe kao statični objekt, a događaj kao da putuje prema nama, zauzeli smo perspektivu kretanja vremena. Ovo istraživanje osmišljeno je s ciljem ispitivanja uloge koju vremenske perspektive imaju pri razmišljanju o događajima u budućnosti. Sudionici su bili zaposlenici jedne tehnološke tvrtke u Hrvatskoj, njih devedeset i sedmero. U istraživanju su čitali su kratki tekst o Covid-19 pandemiji te nekim njezinim posljedicama. Postojale su četiri različite vrste teksta koje su se razlikovale u vremenskoj perspektivi iz koje su pisane (perspektiva kretanja vremena ili perspektiva kretanja ega) i brzini kretanja koje je u tekstu bilo opisano (brzo ili sporo kretanje). Nakon čitanja teksta, sudionici su procjenjivali percepciju rizika, neizbježnost posljedica, hitnost rješenja te rješivost problema povezanih s pandemijom, a također su davali samoprocjenu doživljenih emocija anksioznosti te stresa. Rezultati su pokazali da ne postoji statistički značajan efekt vremenske perspektive i brzine kretanja na percepciju rizika, neizbježnost posljedica, hitnost rješenja, anksioznost i stres. Sudionici koji su čitali tekst oblikovan iz perspektive kretanja vremena procjenjivali su posljedice koronavirusa više rješivima, ali samo kada je Covid-19 opisan brzim kretanjem. Dobiveni efekt je mali i trebao bi se uzeti s dozom opreza. We can think, speak, or write about time using one of the two time perspectives, the ego-moving or the time-moving. If we perceive an event as static, and ourselves as if we are moving towards the event over time, it is an ego-moving perspective. If we perceive ourselves as a static object, and the event seems to travel towards us, we have taken the time-moving perspective. This research is designed to examine the role that time perspectives play in thinking about future events. The participants were employees in one Croatian technology company and there were ninety-seven of them. They read a short text about the Covid-19 pandemic and some of its consequences. There were four different types of text that differed in the time perspective from which they were written (the time-moving perspective or the ego-moving perspective) and the speed of movement that was described in the text (fast or slow motion). After reading the text, participants assessed the perception of risk, the inevitability of consequences, the urgency of the solution connected with the pandemic, and the solvability of the problem, and also gave a self-assessment of the experienced emotions of anxiety and stress. The results showed that there was no statistically significant effect of time perspective and speed of movement on risk perception, the inevitability of consequences, solution urgency, anxiety, and stress. Participants who read the text shaped from a time-moving perspective assessed the effects of the coronavirus as more solvable, but only when Covid-19 was described as a fast-moving event. The resulted effect is small and it should be considered with extra caution. |