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Zahvaljujući napretku tehnologije i razvoju kibernetike kao znanosti, od druge polovice 20. stoljeća pojavljuju se mogućnosti realiziranja ideja o spajanju čovjeka i tehnologije. Osim sjedinjenja organskog i strojnog, razvijaju se i mogućnosti stvaranja umjetnih bića poput androida i robota. Kao društvo postali smo ovisni o tehnologiji na razne načine. Uz kibernetiku i razvoj tehnologije pojavljuju se novi žanrovi u popularnoj kulturi poput znanstvene fantastike i cyberpunka. Njihovi se autori fokusiraju na utjecaj tehnologije na društvo. Osim u literaturi, umjetna bića zavladala su filmskom industrijom. Zahvaljujući tome, danas u mnogo filmova možemo vidjeti pretpostavke o tome kako će nam se životi i svijet mijenjati kada nam se umjetna bića isprepletu sa svakodnevnim životom. Za ovaj je rad analiziran uzorak od 10 filmova u kojima roboti, kiborzi i androidi imaju glavne uloge. Radnje su pretežno smještene u budućnosti, a prikazi umjetnih bića mijenjali su se kako se kroz godine mijenjala ideja o tome kako će ona izgledati te kako će se ponašati. Umjetna su bića često karakterizirana kao takva da imitiraju ljudske sposobnosti i emocije. U tim slučajevima nerijetko se kao njihov uzor prikazuju ljudska bića, umjetna bića nastoje postati priznati kao dio društva te razvijaju odnose s ljudima. Budući da imaju određene ljudske karakteristike, često preispituju vlastito postojanje, svrhu i identitete. Vrlo često u navedenim filmovima nailazimo na predviđanja gdje su umjetna bića u sukobu s čovječanstvom zbog mnogih razloga. Bez obzira na to, naposljetku je uvijek slučaj da je čovječanstvo spašeno čime se gledateljima filmova daje tračak nade da bismo mogli živjeti u simbiozi s umjetno stvorenim bićima. Thanks to the progress of technology and the development of cybernetics as a science, since the second half of the 20th century, ideas about merging humans and technology became possible to fullfil. In addition to the union of the organic and the mechanical, the possibilities of creating artificial beings such as androids and robots are also developing. As a society we have become dependent on technology in various ways. Along with cybernetics and the development of technology, new genres appear in popular culture such as science fiction and cyberpunk. Their authors focus on the impact of technology on society. Apart from literature, artificial beings have taken over the film industry. Thanks to this, today in many films we can find assumptions about how our lives and the world will change when artificial beings become intertwined with our everyday life. For this paper, a sample of 10 movies in which robots, cyborgs and androids play the main roles was analyzed. The stories and timelines are mostly set in the future, and the depictions of artificial beings have changed over the years as the idea of how they will look and behave. Artificial beings are often characterized as if they're imitating human abilities and emotions. In these cases, human beings are often shown as their role models, artificial beings tend to become recognized as a part of society and develop relationships with people. Because they have certain human characteristics, they often question their own existence, purpose, and identities. Very often in the mentioned films we come across predictions where artificial beings are in conflict with humanity for many reasons. Regardless, it's always the case that humanity is saved in the end, giving viewers a glimmer of hope that we might be able to live in symbiosis with artificial beings. |