Sociology and literature : the methodological potential of contemporary Croatian prose in teaching sociology

Autor: Zbukvić, Jelena
Přispěvatelé: Bošnjak, Zvonimir
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Cilj rada je ukazati na prednosti uporabe književnih djela u poučavanju srednjoškolskih socioloških sadržaja te predložiti izbor domaće sociološke lektire. Rad kreće od teze kako se književnost može uspješno uključiti u poučavanje socioloških sadržaja i ima velik metodički potencijal. S obzirom na nedostatak domaće literature o poučavanju putem književnosti, teorijski okvir rada baziran je na stranoj literaturi (Carlin, Cosbey, Lena and London, Sullivan) i usmjeren na prednosti poučavanja putem književnosti za učenike, nastavnike i sociologiju kao nastavni predmet. Drugi dio rada donosi kratak opis i sociološku analizu odabranih suvremenih hrvatskih književnih djela. The goal of this paper is to point out the benefits of using literature (fiction) in teaching sociology in high schools and to suggest a literary selection of Croatian contemporary prose for use in classroom. The paper starts with the thesis statement that literature can be successfully incorporated in teaching sociology and has a great methodological potential. Considering the lack of Croatian scholarly articles about using novels in teaching sociology, first part of the paper is based on foreign literature (Carlin, Cosbey, Lena and London, Sullivan) and discusses benefits of the literary method for students, teachers and sociology as a school subject. Second part of the paper offers short descriptions and sociological analysis of chosen contemporary Croatian prose.
Databáze: OpenAIRE