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Industrija video-igara dominira industrijom zabave 21. stoljeća i bilježi postepen rast broja korisnika prilikom čega video-igrice postaju i slobodna aktivnost odraslih. Zbog sve sporijeg preuzimanja karakteristika koje su se dugo smatrale znakom odraslosti bilježi se sve manja unificiranost u procesu postajanja odraslom osobom. Uzme li se u obzir da su anksioznost i depresija u porastu na globalnoj razini te da je razdoblje postajanja odraslom osobom puno različitih stresora nastoji se ispitati kako odabir video-igara kao slobodnovremenske aktivnosti povezana s pojavom simptoma depresije i anksioznosti. Istraživanje je provedeno 2022./23. godine na uzorku od 271 ispitanika između 18 i 35 godina. Primijenjen je mrežni anketni upitnik koji uključuje pitanja o sociodemografskim karakteristikama ispitanika, njihovim navikama igranja video-igara, test samoprocjene simptoma anksioznosti i depresije te mišljenja o povezanosti igranja video-igara i mentalnog zdravlja. Deskriptivnom se statistikom uviđaju određene razlike u navikama igranja video-igara s obzirom na sociodemografske karakteristike. Muškarci igraju više od žena te ispitanici od 30 do 35 godina igraju nešto češće video-igre od ostalih ispitanika. Nadalje, istraživanje ne pokazuje da izloženost video-igrama dovodi do znatno boljih ili lošijih rezultata na testu samoprocjene mentalnog stanja, no igrači video-igara bilježe nešto bolje rezultate od neigrača što otvara prostor za daljnja istraživanja o mogućim pozitivnih utjecajima video-igara na mentalno zdravlje. Video games are dominating in the entertainment industry of the 21st century and the number of gamers is continuously on the rise. It is becoming increasingly harder to describe a stereotypical gamer since gaming is no longer exclusively meant for children and adolescents. Due to the nature of the 21st century, young people are slower to enter adulthood. The process of becoming an adult is filled with many turmoils and can leave a lasting impact on the mental health of young adults. Meanwhile, depression and anxiety are becoming a global problem. The research problem focuses on video-game as a leisure activity chosen by young adults and how that choice might help or harm their attempt to navigate the turmoils of becoming an adult. The survey was conducted 2022/23 using a survey questionnaire on a sample of 271 young adults between 18 and 35 with the regard to sociodemographic variables, the gaming habits of young adults, the results of the self-assessment of anxiety and depression symptoms and the opinions on the impact of gaming on mental health. Significant differences were found regarding gender (males play more than females) and age (young adults from 30-35 game more often). The research didn't prove a strong relation between gaming and mental health but the self-assessment test of gamers did show better results on a smaller scale in comparison to non-gamers which opens many discussions about the possible positive impact of gaming on mental health. |