Squaring Accounts with the Enemies of the People
Autor: | Horvatić, Jan |
Přispěvatelé: | Goldstein, Ivo |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2023 |
Předmět: |
Vojni sud Komisija za utvrđivanje ratnih zločina okupatora i njegovih pomagača Bjelovar ratni zločini HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska moderna i suvremena povijest Obračun s narodnim neprijateljem presude Okružni sud HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History |
Popis: | U godinama prije izbijanja Drugog svjetskog rata ustaše su u Bjelovaru započeli sa svojim djelovanjem. Pod njihovim vodstvom i propagandom pokrenut je Bjelovarski ustanak koji je, iako usamljen događaj, dobio na važnosti u ustaškoj mitologiji. Nakon uspostave vlasti, NDH je odmah pokrenula teror nad stanovništvom započevši s masakrom u Gudovcu. Kroz slijedeće godine do kraja rata provodili su najgore vrste zločina nad Srbima, Židovima, Romima te svim Hrvatima koji su im pružali otpor, a posebice komunistima. U takvom zločinačkom djelovanju imali su punu potporu njemačkih okupacijskih snaga. Kraj vladavine NDH ostavio je za sobom ljudska stradanja na do tada nezamislivoj razini. Zbog takve ogromne količine počinjenih ratnih zločina, Narodnooslobodilački pokret je već tijekom rata morao razmatrati na koji način se obračunati s „narodnim neprijateljima“. Zajedno sa Saveznicima, Jugoslavija je imala potrebu i obvezu da procesuira ratne zločince. Oslobođenjem bjelovarskog kraja od NDH obračun se ponekad događao i van bilo kakvih sudskih procesa. Unutar zakonodavnih okvira suđenja su provodili Vojni sud i Okružni sud. Kako bi se nad zločincima provela pravda, a ne osveta, nova vlast je sustavno unaprjeđivala zakonodavni sustav. Donošeni su novi zakonski okviri s jasnim propisima i demokratskim načelima suđenja. Osnovane su Komisije koje su trebale prikupiti dokaze o počinjenim zločinima i njihovim naredbodavcima. Na bjelovarskom području Vojni i Okružni sud su imali stotine slučajeva ratnih zločinaca. U kaosu rata, Vojni sud je imao najviše slučajeva no kazne koje je izdavao su bile relativno blage te su pomilovanja bila česta, unatoč nedostatcima samog postupka. Na suđenjima Okružnog suda su se pak provodili temeljiti postupci koji su bili pravedniji i u skladu sa svim propisanim normama. Kako bi se rad oba suda mogao detaljnije promotriti u zadnja dva poglavlja je predočeno 20 specifičnih slučajeva. Na njima je vidljivo na koji način su podizane optužnice i donošene presude, kakve su bile obrane optuženika, dodijeljene kazne i konačno presude Vrhovnog suda ukoliko je slučaj to zahtijevao. In the years before World War II the Ustaše had already begun with their activities in Bjelovar. Under their leadership and propaganda, the Bjelovar Revolt started which, although a lone event, would gain significance in the Ustaše mythology. Immediately after gaining power the NDH started a campaign of terror on the local populace, beginning with the massacre at Gudovac. In the following years and up until the end of the war, the Ustaše committed the worst atrocities against Serbs, Jews, Roma peoples and all Croats who resisted them, especially the communists. In their criminal behavior they had the full support of the German occupying forces. When the reign of NDH ended, it left behind the destruction of human life on an unprecedented scale. Because of the enormous amount of war crimes they committed, the People’s Liberation Movement had no other choice but to start planning for the eventual “squaring of accounts” with the “enemies of the people”. Along with other Allies, Jugoslavija had both a need and an obligation to process war criminals. When the Bjelovar area was freed, the confrontation of these criminals sometimes happened outside any lawful procedures. Meanwhile, the Millitary court and the local County court held processes inside sets of newly formed laws. To make sure that these war criminals would receive justice, and not simple revenge, the new government constantly kept improving legislation. New laws with clear procedures and democratic principles were passed. Commissions were being set up with the goal to gather evidence of war crimes and those who committed them. In the Bjelovar area, both the Millitary and County courts had hundreds of cases. In the wartime chaos, the Military court had the most cases, but their verdicts were relatively mild and pardons were frequent despite the fact that the proceedings had their shortcomings. The County court had much more detailed proceedings and was far more just and in accordance with regulations. For the purpose of a more detailed look into the very proceedings at these two courts, the last two chapters present 20 cases. By examining them it can be clearly seen in which way were indictments raised, verdicts delivered, what the accused presented in their defense, what kind of punishments were assigned and finally, the verdicts of the Supreme court if the case called for one. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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