Paintings and sculptures in Saint Mark's parish church in Veprinac
Autor: | Mirković, Maja |
Přispěvatelé: | Šourek, Danko |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: |
Leopold Moroder
Sebastiano Petruzzi Veprinac HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History of Art. History and Theory of the Fine Arts Architecture Urbanism and Visual Communications grofovi Devinski parish church of St. Mark Devinski counts HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest umjetnosti. Povijest i teorija likovnih umjetnosti arhitekture urbanizma i vizualnih komunikacija Ferdinand Stuflesser župna crkva sv. Marka Antonio Michelazzi |
Popis: | Područje Veprinca je kroz stoljeća doživjelo razne političke, ali i arhitektonske promjene. Svojim pripadanjem Kastavskoj gospoštiji uvelike je ovisilo o volji svojih gospodara, a oni su bili brojni – prvi službeni spomen Veprinca imamo za vrijeme uprave grofova Devinskih u XII. stoljeću. Iako je Veprinac »prošao« kroz brojne ruke (grofovi Walsee, Habsburgovci, isusovački red), najznačajniji za njegov sakralni razvoj, u svojim samim počecima, bili su upravo grofovi Devinski, koji su napravili temelje bitnim sakralnim građevinama o kojima je riječ u ovom radu. Ovaj rad posvećen je opremi župne crkve sv. Marka u Veprincu koja je tijekom povijesti prošla kroz nekoliko građevnih faza i obnova, tako da u njoj zatičemo zadnja od romanike do posljednje obnove u XIX. stoljeću, a zbog teških političkih i povijesnih okolnosti, mijenjala je i ime svog titulara. Pet baroknih mramornih oltara, nastalih za vrijeme iste obnove u XVIII. stoljeću, mogu se povezati sa zajedničkim autorom, dok se određene skulpture sa tih oltara, svojim stilskim izrazom i kompozicijom povezuju sa radionicama riječkog kipara Antonija Michelazzija te onom Sebastiana Petruzzija, nastanjenog u Rijeci od 1770-tih godina. Korske klupe još su jedna posebnost crkve, a ističu se svojim izrazom, nastalim vjerojatno unutar radionice Mihovila Zierera koja je krajem XVII. i u prvim desetljećima XVIII. stoljeća djelovala u Rijeci, na Krku te na području Kastavske gospoštije. Rad se dotiče i bitnog otkrića nekolicine skica oltara Božjega groba, naručenih od poznatih tirolskih majstora, ali nikada dovršenih za crkvu sv. Marka. The Veprinac area has undergone various political and architectural changes over the centuries. By its belonging to the Kastav estate it largely depended on the will of its masters, and they were numerous - we have the first official mention of Veprinac during the reign of Devinski counts in the XII. century. Although Veprinac was under many different rulers (Walsee counts, Habsburgs, Jesuit order), the most important for its sacral development, in its very beginnings, were the Devinski counts, who laid the foundations of important sacral buildings. This work is dedicated to the equipment of the parish church of St. Mark in Veprinac, which throughout history has gone through several construction phases and renovations – some of them reach out to Romanesque period with its last renovation being in the XIX. century. The curch has, due to difficult political and historical circumstances, also changed the name of its titular. Five baroque marble altars, created during the same restoration in the XVIII. century, can be associated with a common author, while certain sculptures from these altars, their stylistic expression and composition are associated with the workshops of sculptor from Rijeka, Antonio Michelazzi and that of Sebastiano Petruzzi, residing also in Rijeka since the 1770s. The choir pews are another special feature of the church, and they stand out with their expression. They were probably created within the workshop of Mihovil Zierer, which at the end of the XVII. and in the first decades of the XVIII. century, operated in Rijeka, Krk and in the area of the Kastav estate. The work also touches on the important discovery of several sketches of the altar of God's tomb, commissioned from famous Tyrolean sculptors, but never completed for the St. Mark’s church. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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