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Kyoto škola je kao tradicija započeta s Nishidom Kitarōm, koji je u svojim nastojanjima da pronađe most između zapadne i istočne tradicije mišljenja, nenamjerno privukao određen broj mislitelja s kojima je održavao neformalne seminare na Sveučilištu u Kyōtu. Ovi mislitelji su nastavili njegovo učenje ili gradili svoju filozofiju u dijalogu pa su se neformalno počeli nazivati školom. Naziv je službeno upotrijebljen u članku autora Tosake Juna 1932. godine. Od osnivača do danas, mogu se pratiti četiri generacije mislitelja gdje su smješteni i Nishitani Keiji, predstavnik druge, te Ueda Shizuteru, predstavnik treće generacije. Nishida kao Nishitanijev, a Nishitani kao Uedin učitelj su jedan smjer razvoja misli škole pa su tako i jedan od reprezentativnih primjera kulminacije istočne tradicije u kombinaciji sa zapadnom. S obzirom na to, cilj ovog rada je dvostruk – prikazati kontinuitet japanske (istočne) filozofije i na koji način je u dijalogu sa zapadnom kroz koncept svijeta u Uedinoj filozofiji kao kulminaciji jednog toka razvoja misli. Uedin koncept dvostrukog svijeta, odnosno svijeta/otvorenog prostranstva, temelji se na mnogim izvorima od kojih su najveći utisak ostavili, u istočnoj tradiciji zen-budizam, a u zapadnoj, Martin Heidegger. Iako se u radu pretpostavlja poznavanje zapadne tradicije, Heideggerov utjecaj na Uedu je značajan, pa je uključena Uedina interpretacija pojmova te Heideggerove filozofije uopće koja se tiče koncepta svijeta. Kyoto school as a tradition of thought started with Nishida Kitarō who, in his effort to find a way to bridge a gap between Western and Eastern tradition, unintentionally drew in a certain amount of thinkers whom he held informal meetings with at Kyōto University. These thinkers have continued his line thought or have developed their philosophy in dialogue with him and informally started reffering to themselves as members of a school. The name has been formally used in an article by Tosaka Jun from 1932. Since its founder, until today, we can track four generations of thinkers where we can place Nishitani Keiji, as a representative of the second, and Ueda Shizuteru, representative of the third generation. Nishida as Nishitani’s and Nishitani as Ueda’s teacher are examples of one line of thought developed in Kyoto school and, as such, are one of the representative examples of combination of Western and Eastern thought. With this in mind, the aim of this thesis is two-fold – to show a continuity of Japanese (Eastern) thought and in what way it is in dialogue with Western by the means of showcasing the concept of the world in Ueda’s philosophy as a culmination point. Ueda’s concept of the two-fold world, or world/open expanse, is under the influence of both traditions, the biggest one from the East being Zen buddhism and from the West, Martin Heidegger. Even though, the knowledge of the Western tradition is presupposed, Heidegger’s influence was considerable. Therefore, Ueda’s interpretation of the key terms from Heidegger’s philosophy and his philosophy in general, regarding the concept of the World, is included. |