The Abbey of St. Chrysogonus in Zadar

Autor: Taradi, Mateja
Přispěvatelé: Tomas, Ivana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Sv. Krševan u Zadru jedna je od najreprezentativnijih benediktinskih gradnji na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Osnovana je u 10. stoljeću, a njezina bogata povijest seže sve do 19. stoljeća kada je ukinuta pod francuskom upravom nakon čega se samostan postupno mijenja za potrebe liceja, gimnazije, konvikta te Narodnog muzeja. Rad donosi kulturno-povijesni kontekst opatije s naglaskom na oporuku zadarskog priora Andrije iz 918. godine u kojoj se po prvi puta spominje crkva i najstariju ispravu Krševanskog kartulara iz 986. godine gdje se sv. Krševan navodi kao benediktinski. Najveći naglasak stavljen je na analizu samostanskog sklopa koji nastaje tijekom zrelog srednjeg vijeka. Istaknuto je pitanje prve crkve i sklopa koji je nastao na ostacima emporija te se iz tog razloga samostan morao prilagoditi ranijoj infrastrukturi, a o postupnom formiranju prvotnog samostanskog sklopa svjedoče isprave iz 986. i 1036. godine u kojima je opisano povezivanje crkve i „starog klaustra“ u jedinstvenu cjelinu, odnosno širenje samostana na obližnji prostor vrta „pred crkvom sv. Tome“. Zbog nedostatka arheoloških istraživanja i graditeljskih ostataka zaključci o prvoj crkvi doneseni su na temelju njezine predromaničke i ranoromaničke skulpture od kojih se predromanička dijeli u dva kronološka razdoblja, a također su obrađena i tri ranoromanička iluminirana rukopisa koji su rađeni za ženski benediktinski samostan sv. Marije. Postojećoj trobrodnoj i troapsidalnoj bazilici koja je podignuta tijekom 12. i ranog 13. stoljeća posvećena je posebna pozornost, te je analizirana njezina arhitektura, arhitektonska plastika i zidno slikarstvo. Sjeverno od crkve nalazile su se samostanske zgrade s klaustrom. Ponajviše podataka o samostanu iz zrelog srednjeg vijeka posjedujemo o klaustru, od kojega su ostali očuvani dijelovi stupova s bazama i mramornim kapitelima i nalaze u lapidariju Narodnog muzeja. St. Chrysogonus in Zadar is one of the most notable Benedictine abbeys on the eastern Adriatic coast. It was founded in the tenth century and its abundant history extends all the way through the nineteenth century when it was abolished during the French administration after which its area was gradually modified for requirements of lyceum, gymnasium, convent school and the National Museum. The paper brings forward the culturo-historical context of the abbey with an emphasis on the will and testament of prior Andrew from Zadar, which dates from 918, where the abbey was first mentioned and a document from 986 where St. Chrysogonus is mentioned for the first time as Benedictine. The biggest emphasis is placed on the analysis of the new monastery dated to the mature Romanesque period. The paper underlines the problem of the first church and monastery that originated on the remains of emporium and because of that it had to be adapted to the older infrastructure. Documents from 986 and 1036 serve as arguments of gradual establishment of the earliest building and illustrate the connection between the church and the „old cloister“ as well as the extension of the territory of the abbey to the area of the garden „in front of St. Thomas church“. Because of the lack of archaeological research and remains, conclusions about the first church are based on its pre-Romanesque and early Romanesque sculpture. Pre-Romanesque sculpture can be divided into two periods. The paper also elaborates on two early Romanesque manuscripts made for St. Mary's church in Zadar. The present three-nave basilica, erected during the twelfth and early thirteenth century, is particularly elaborated and its architecture, frescoes and monastery located to the north of the church analysed. The most preserved data is about the cloister and its fragments of columns and marble capitals that are preserved and are currently located in the lapidarium of the National Museum.
Databáze: OpenAIRE