Depiction of women's lifestyles in the 1970s and 2000s : Depiction of women's lifestyles in the 1970s and 2000s

Autor: Djaković, Valentina
Přispěvatelé: Galić, Branka, Popović, Helena
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Ženama se u odnosu na muškarce pripisuju tradicionalne karakteristike slabih, nježnih, subdominantih kućanica, majki i supruga. Unutar ovoga rada promatramo društveni položaj žena, njihovu borbu za napretkom i jednakosti potaknutu feminističkim pokretima i ulaskom u globalnu ekonomiju te načinu na koji mediji prikazuju žene. Ovaj rad se bavi prikazom životnih stilova žena u medijskom prostoru, točnije televizijskim reklamama. Promatramo žene u televizijskim reklamama u 2 razdoblja – 1970-ima i 2000-ima. Način na koji smo promatrali reklame je bio slijedeći - proveli smo kvalitativno istraživanje vođeni metodom analize sadržaja koju smo proveli na način analize primjera 17 reklama pronađenih na platformi Youtubea u starim kompilacijama videa. Kriteriji odabira reklama su bili razdoblje, prikaz žene u reklami te podudarnost sa kriterijima analize koji su bili pojedinci, mjesta i proizvodi uz koje se vežu žene te prikaz ženskog tijela. Primjetili smo podudarnosti između dva razdoblja zajedno sa par primjera reklama gdje se primjećuje pozitivan pomak, odnosno prikaz muškarca u rodnoj ulozi uz koje se povezuju žene te nazadovanje u prikazu ženskog tijela zbog pretjerane seksualizacije u 2000-ima. Women are credited with the traditional characteristics of weak, gentle, sub-dominant housewives, mothers, and wives in relation to men. Within this paper, we look at the social position of women, their struggle for progress and equality driven by feminist movements and entering the global economy, and the way the media portrays women. This work deals with the depiction of the lifestyles of women in the media space, namely in television advertisements. We observe women in television commercials in 2 periods – the 1970s and 2000s. The way we looked at advertisements was as follows - we conducted qualitative research guided by the method of content analysis that we carried out in a way of analyzing examples of 17 advertisements found on the Youtube platform in old video compilations. The criteria for choosing an advertisement were a period, the depiction of a woman in the advertisement, and a coincidence with the criteria of analysis that were individuals, places, and products to which women are associated, and the representation of the female body. We noticed the coincidences between the two periods together with a few examples of advertisements where a positive shift is observed, that is, the depiction of a man in a gender role with which women connect, and a backlash in the depiction of the female body due to excessive sexualization in the 2000s.
Databáze: OpenAIRE