The Swedish Crime Novel: from Roseanna to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Autor: Žerjav, Maja
Přispěvatelé: Tomić, Janica
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Razdoblje koje je potaknulo stvaranje mnogih važnih i poznatih švedskih krimića naziva se folkhemmet. Folkhemmet je politički izraz koji je Per Albin Hansson iskoristio u govoru 1928. godine kako bi opisao ideju Švedske kao zemlje u kojoj su svi ljudi jednaki i imaju sve što im je potrebno za ugodan život. Međutim, nekoliko godina nakon provedbe te švedske socijalne države u djelo, tjeskoba oko budućnosti počela je rasti te se socijalna država našla na meti kritičara, a jedan od načina na koji su ljudi izražavali svoje stavove o stanju u državi bila je književnost, osobito kriminalistički romani. Jedan od najpoznatijih serijala kriminalističkih romana koji prikazuje tadašnju stvarnost i nedostatke socijalne države jest serijal Maj Sjöwall i Pera Wahlööa zvan Roman o zločinu, a sastoji se od deset knjiga. Autori su u svojim kriminalističkim romanima kritizirali švedsku socijalnu državu, no i s nostalgijom gledali na njezino zlatno doba i izvorne ideje, što se posebno moglo vidjeti u liku Rhee Nielsen, za koju se smatra da predstavlja idealni folkhemmet. Početni romani u serijalu Roman o zločinu nisu bili toliko politički, pogotovo prvi roman Roseanna. On prikazuje mizoginog muškarca anksioznog zbog gubitka moći, ali i slijepu točku u socijalnoj kritici autora, a to su likovi stranih žena čiji se promiskuitet može shvatiti kao esencijalizam koji je u sukobu s prevladavajućim uvjerenjima socijalnog determinizma Sjöwall i Wahlööa. Nadalje, što se tiče devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća i prvih godina dvadeset i prvog stoljeća, činilo se kao da je utopijski san o ravnopravnoj socijalnoj državi postao daleka uspomena. Tjeskoba zbog sve globaliziranijeg svijeta nastavila je rasti, što se odrazilo u književnosti. Jedan od najpoznatijih kriminalističkih romana napisanih u to doba bio je roman Stiega Larssona zvan Muškarci koji mrze žene, koji je bio prvi dio u njegovoj trilogiji Millennium. Poput Sjöwall i Wahlööa, Larsson je u svojim knjigama kritizirao švedsku političku, ekonomsku i socijalnu situaciju, ali i pokazao nostalgiju za nekim boljim vremenima. U romanu novinar Blomkvist nastoji saznati što se dogodilo s Harriet Vanger, ali i razotkriti moćnog financijera Wennerströma, koji se obogatio od krađe i prijevare, te s pomoću toga vratiti povjerenje javnosti u novinare. Njegova partnerica Salander nastoji kazniti muškarce iz obitelji Vanger, koji su ubijali žene širom Švedske, kao i muškarce koji su je zlostavljali. Budući da ju je država iznevjerila, ona je primorana uzeti stvari u svoje ruke i riješiti slučajeve na nezakonit način, no time zapravo dobiva javnu svrhu, jer njezini ilegalno prikupljeni podatci služe istjerivanju pravde za zlostavljane žene te ona pomaže vratiti povjerenje javnosti u tradicionalnog novinara, Blomkvista, koji unatoč svemu i dalje nastoji vlast i imućne pozvati na odgovornost. The time period that prompted the creation of many important and famous Swedish crime novels is called folkhemmet. Folkhemmet is a political term that Per Albin Hansson used in a parliamentary speech in 1928 to describe an idea of Sweden as an egalitarian country where everyone’s needs are met. But in the years following its implementation, this Swedish welfare state drew much criticism and anxiety about the future kept on rising. One of the forms people used to express their political views and criticisms was literature, especially crime novels. One of the most famous series of crime novels that showed the reality and shortcomings of the welfare state was Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö’s series Novel of a Crime, which consisted of ten books. They aimed to use their crime novels as a way to analyze and criticize the Swedish welfare state, but at the same time, they also nostalgically looked at the golden age of the welfare state and its original ideas, which could especially be seen in the character Rhea Nielsen who is thought to represent the ideal folkhemmet. Sjöwall och Wahlöö’s first novels in the series were not very political, especially the first novel, Roseanna, which depicted a misogynistic man anxious about his loss of power, but also showed a blind spot in the authors’ social critique, which were foreign women whose promiscuity revealed an essentialism that was in conflict with Sjöwall and Wahlöö’s predominant views of social determinism. Furthermore, with regard to the 1990s and the new millennium, it felt as if the utopian dream of the egalitarian welfare state had become a distant memory. Anxiety about the increasingly globalized world continued to increase and this was reflected in literature. One of the most famous crime novels written at that time was Stieg Larsson’s book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which was the first book in his Millennium trilogy. Like Sjöwall and Wahlöö, Larsson criticized Sweden’s political, economic and social situation through his books, but also showed a nostalgic longing for better times. In the novel, the journalist Blomkvist strives not only to find out what happened to Harriet Vanger, but also to expose the powerful investor Wennerström, who became rich from theft and fraud, and by doing this, he tries to regain people’s trust in critical journalism. His partner Salander strives to punish the men in the Vanger family who have violently murdered women throughout Sweden, as well as all the men who have abused her. Since most authorities have betrayed her, she must take matters into her own hands and resolve the cases in an illegal way, and by doing so, she serves a public purpose, as all the information she has gathered is used to bring justice to women who have been abused by men as well as to help restore public trust in a traditional journalist, i.e. Blomkvist, who still strives to hold those in power accountable.
Databáze: OpenAIRE