Twice the second even in twenty-first century Europe? Views on multiculturalism from the perspective of migrant women resident in Croatia

Autor: Vukoja, Katarina
Přispěvatelé: Galić, Branka
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Ovaj rad bavi se utjecajem migrantske krize koja se odvila 2015. godine, te pojavom masovne i nekontrolirane migracije s područja Bliskog Istoka prema Zapadnoeuropskim zemljama, preciznije prema Hrvatskoj, iz perspektive žena migrantica. Migranti koji su u ovom slučaju većinski izbjeglice, te su prisiljeni na neki način na migraciju ranjiva su skupina sama po sebi, no unutar te skupine javlja se i posebno ranjiva skupina – žene. Kada govorimo o migrantima ili skupinama migranata, žene zapravo ostaju u sjeni i izjednačavamo njihov status s muškarcima, no da li je doista taj put isti za muškarce i žene ili se žene ipak susreću s posebnim poteškoćama i problemima? Nedvojbeno je kako su žene, unatoč velikom napretku u ravnopravnosti s muškarcima, i dalje često percipirane kao druge, ali isto tako je poznata činjenica kako su žene manjinskih skupina percipirane kao druge u odnosu na bijele žene sa Zapada, odnosno dvostruko su marginalizirane. Zbog te pojave potreban nam je multikulturni feminizam. U radu se prvo daje prikaz svih važnijih podataka i relevantne literature vezane za migrantsku krizu iz 2015. godine i multikulturni feminizam, a potom nastoji kroz iskaze deset žena migrantica s područja Irana, Iraka, Sirija, Turske i Jordana ustanoviti kako migrantska kriza izgleda iz njihove perspektive, koji su faktori kod njih utjecali na emigraciju, s kojim su se izazovima sve susrele, te isto tako zašto su odabrale Hrvatsku kao svoju konačnu destinaciju u Europi. Također, jedan od glavnih interesa ovog rada je i proces njihove integracije u hrvatsko društvo, osjećaju li se prihvaćeno i u kojoj mjeri, postoji li potreba za multikulturnim feminizmom i na koji način, te kako je ova migracija u konačnici utjecala na njihovu kvalitetu života. This paper deals with the impact of the migrant crisis that took place in 2015, and the emergence of mass and uncontrolled migration from the Middle East to Western European countries, more precisely to Croatia, from the perspective of migrant women. Migrants who are in this case mostly refugees and are forced to migrate in some ways are a vulnerable group in themselves, but within this group there is also a particularly vulnerable group - women. When we talk about migrants or groups of migrants, women actually stay in the shadows and equate their status with men, but is this path really the same for men and women or do women still face special difficulties and problems? There is no doubt that women, despite great advances in equality with men, are still often perceived as others, but it is also a known fact that women of minority groups are perceived as others compared to white women from the West, ie they are doubly marginalized. Because of this phenomenon we need multicultural feminism. The paper first presents all important data and relevant literature related to the 2015 migrant crisis and multicultural feminism, and then seeks to establish through the testimonies of ten migrant women from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Jordan what the migrant crisis looks like from their perspectives, what factors influenced their emigration, what challenges they all faced, and also why they chose Croatia as their final destination in Europe. Also, one of the main interests of this paper is the process of their integration into Croatian society, whether they felt accepted and to what extent, whether there was a need for multicultural feminism and in what way, and how this migration ultimately affected their quality of life.
Databáze: OpenAIRE