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Predmet istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada su igrani filmovi i serije nastali tijekom stote godišnjice Prvog svjetskog rata u zapadnoeuropskim i anglofonskim produkcijama. Analiza je provedena kroz nekoliko kategorija: drugo poglavlje obrađuje seriju 37 Days, točnije prikaz velikih ličnosti koje su sudjelovale u diplomatskim pregovorima između atentata na prijestolonasljednika Franju Ferdinanda u Sarajevu i početka rata. Kroz treće poglavlje fokus je na prikazu bojišnice, načinu ratovanja, a posebice na uvjetima u rovovima te u vojnim bolnicama. Kroz prikaze ovih dviju lokacija opisani su razni faktori života sudionika Prvog svjetskog rata, od prehrane, borbe i svakodnevnog života, pa do odnosa liječnika, medicinskih sestara i vojnika. U posljednjem poglavlju istraživanja više će riječi biti o osjećajnim aspektima rata koji su razrađeni kroz prikaz protagonista i antagonista - junaka i neprijatelja, zatim raznih oblika brutalnosti i besmislenosti rata s posebnim osvrtom na traumu pod nazivom "shell shock", te na kraju suprotstavljenim i kontroverznim interpretacijama armenskog genocida. Cilj ovog rada je stoga ukazati na sličnosti i razlike u prikazu navedenih aspekata Prvog svjetskog rata kroz komparaciju filmova i serija izašlih povodom njegove stote obljetnice. This master's thesis analyses feature films and TV series released during the 100th anniversary of the First World War (WWI) and produced in West European and English-speaking countries. The analysis can be divided into a few categories. Namely, the focus of the second chapter is on a miniseries called 37 days, more specifically on its portrayal of the major historic figures that took part in the diplomatic negotiations which took place between the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the start of the WWI. The third chapter discusses the portrayal of the battlefield, warfare and, furthermore, the conditions in trenches and military hospitals. Here, various aspects of WWI participants' lives will be described, such as food, combat, everyday life and even the relationship between the medical staff and the soldiers. The last chapter of this research paper will touch more upon the emotional aspects of the war. They can be best examined through depictions of the protagonist and the antagonist, or the hero and the enemy, as well as through different types of brutality and the meaninglessness of war. A special insight will be given into the so called shell shock, a type of post-traumatic stress disorder, and the disparate and often controversial interpretations of the Armenian genocide. Finally, the aim of this thesis is to point out the similarities, as well as the differences, between the different portrayals of the aforementioned aspects of the WWI by comparing the movies and TV series released for its 100th anniversary. |