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U radu se razmatra filozofija politike istaknutog španjolskog filozofa José Ortega y Gasseta. Kao polaznu točku svoje filozofije Ortega uvodi teoriju o okolnostima. Živjeti znači djelovati u svijetu, odnosno, ja sam ja i moje okolnosti. Nasuprot takvog načina življenja, Ortega uočava pojavu modernog fenomena čovjeka – mase, njegove karakteristike te opasnosti koje on predstavlja. Pobuna masa je najveća bolest koja se dogodila ne samo španjolskom, nego i cijelom europskom društvu. Ona sprječava bilo kakav oblik autentične egzistencije čovjeka odbijajući biti vođena odabranom manjinom koja jedina može spriječiti njeno širenje. The paper discusses the philosophy of politics of distinguished spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset. As the starting point of his philosophy Ortega introduces his theory of circumstances. To live means to react to the world, in other words, I am I and my cirumstances. Contrary to that way of living, Ortega notices an appearance of a new modern fenomen: the mass – man, his characteristics and a danger that he represents. The revolt of the masses is the biggest diesease that happened to, not only the spanish, but to the whole european society. It prevents any form of authentic being by refusing to be guided by selected minority who is the only one that can prevent its spreading. |