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Mediji su u životu djece suvremenog doba veoma zastupljeni, većina kućanstava posjeduje po nekoliko elektroničkih uređaja pa su djeca od najmanjih nogu prikovana za male i velike ekrane. Fizičke manifestacije pojedinih medija poput knjiga, časopisa i novina zamjenjuju njihovi elektronički oblici te se stoga postavlja pitanje koliko djeca i mladi znaju o medijima, njihovim utjecajima, prednostima, manama i zadaćama. U tome smislu se pojavljuje medijska pedagogija koja pokušava dati odgovore na ta pitanja u kontekstu odgoja i obrazovanja. Cilj ovog rada i samog empirijskog istraživanja je pokušati predstaviti problematiku učenja o medijima i razvoja kritičke svijesti o medijima kod djece i mladih te predstaviti potrebu za većim uključivanjem odgoja za medije u nastavne planove i programe. U istraživanju kojeg smo provodili metodom elektroničkog anketiranja sudjelovalo je 106 učenika završnog razreda osnovne škole s područja Krapinsko-zagorske županije te je zanimljiv podatak da se većina ispitanih učenika složila da je u nastavu potrebno uvesti suvremenije tehnologije i medije, da je u sustav odgoja i obrazovanja potrebno uvesti medijsko obrazovanje te da su nastavnici dovoljno kompetentni za takve nove izazove. The media are very common in the lives of children of modern times, most households have several electronic devices, so children from an early age spend their time in front of small and large screens. Physical manifestations of certain media, such as books, magazines and newspapers, are being replaced by their electronic forms, and therefore the question arises as to how much children and young people know about the media, their influences, advantages, disadvantages and tasks. In this sense, media pedagogy tries to provide answers to these questions in the context of upbringing and education. The goal of this paper and the empirical research itself is to try to present the issue of learning about the media and the development of critical awareness of the media in children and youth and to present the need for greater inclusion of media education in curricula. 106 students of the final grade of primary school from the area of Krapina-Zagorje County participated in the research conducted by the method of electronic survey, and it is interesting that most of the surveyed students agreed that it is necessary to introduce more modern technologies and media into teaching, that media education needs to be introduced to the education system and that teachers are sufficiently competent for such new challenges. |