Enantiosemy in the sports lexicon of the Croatian language

Autor: Đuračić, Tena
Přispěvatelé: Petrović, Bernardina
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Jezični fenomen koji se manifestira kao suprotnost značenja unutar jedne riječi naziva se enantiosemija. Termin prvi upotrebljava filolog Vikentij Ivanovič Šercl krajem 19. stoljeća, koji je, uz Carla Abela, prvi proučavatelj enantiosemije kao znanstvene pojave. Fenomen do danas nije formaliziran. Vode se polemike oko toga je li rezultat polisemije, homonimije ili antonimije. Enantiosemijom se najviše bave ruski autori, dok je u Hrvatskoj, ali i u ostalim državama, broj istraživanja znatno manji. Od ruskih jezikoslovaca najiscrpnije ju opisuje Aleksandrovna koja navodi tri glavne klasifikacije fenomena: prema pripadnosti razina, prema vrsti suprotnih semova i prema stilu. Izvori enantiosemije leže u dijalektu, žargonu, slengu. Istraživanje je, međutim, pokazalo da je pojava veoma prisutna i u novinarskom stilu, točnije sportskom leksiku, koji stoji kao spona između razgovornog stila i standarda. Analiziranjem sportskog leksika prikupljeni su enantiosemi različitih vrsta riječi - imenice, glagoli, pridjevi i prilozi. Većina enantiosemskih jedinica pronađena je u naslovima sportskih članaka što doprinosi efektnosti samog teksta. Ispitani enantiosemi suprotnost svoje semantičke strukture temelje na opreci dobro ~ loše. Skoro u svakom slučaju leksemi ostvaruju pozitivno značenje koje je kontradiktorno jednom njegovom negativnom značenju. Rad prikazuje manifestaciju tih značenja u hrvatskim jednojezičnim rječnicima te se iznose opisi značenja, koja su aktualizirana u prikupljenom korpusu, a nisu dokumentirana u leksikografskim izvorima. Ustanovilo se da je enantiosemija češća nego što se misli te da je još daleko od predviđenog izumiranja. A linguistic phenomenon that manifests as the opposite of meaning within a single word is called enantiosemy. The term was first used by the philologist Vikentij Ivanovič Šercl at the end of the 19th century, who, along with Carl Abel, was the first to study enantiosemy as a scientific phenomenon. Until the present date, the phenomenon has yet not been formalized. There is controversy over whether it is the result of polysemy, homonymy or antonymy. Enantiosemy is mostly examined by the Russian authors, while in Croatia and other countries, the number of studies is much smaller. Between the Russian linguists, Alexandrovna describes it most exhaustively, citing three main classifications of phenomena: according to the affiliation of levels, according to the type of opposite sems, and according to style. The sources of enantiosemy lie in dialect, jargon, slang. However, the research showed that the phenomenon is also very present in the journalistic style, more precisely in the sports vocabulary, which stands as a link between the conversational style and the standard. By analyzing the sports vocabulary, enantiosemy of different types of words was collected - nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Most enantiosemy units are found in the titles of sports articles which contributes to the effectiveness of the text itself. The examined enantiosemy of the opposite of their semantic structure are based on the opposition good ~ bad. In almost every case, lexemes achieve a positive meaning that contradicts one of its negative meanings. The thesis presents the manifestation of these meanings in Croatian monolingual dictionaries and presents descriptions of meanings, which are updated in the collected corpus and not documented in lexicographic sources. Enantiosemy has been found to be more common than previously thought about and is still far from predicted extinction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE