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Diplomski rad "Prepreke u obrazovanju Roma iz perspektive učenika i njihovih nastavnika" donosi pregled teorijskih i istraživačkih dometa u području obrazovanja manjina, posebice Roma, na čijem temelju postavlja istraživačka pitanja. Kvalitativnom metodologijom, polustrukturiranim intervjuima s učenicima petog razreda osnovne škole i njihovim nastavnicima te promatranjem, istražuje prepreke u obrazovanju Roma kako ih doživljavaju učenici Romi, ne-Romi i njihovi nastavnici. Rezultati pokazuju koje prepreke percipiraju pojedine intervjuirane skupine, oko postojanja kojih prepreka su suglasne, a oko kojih nisu – pokazujući time i različite stupnjeve osviještenosti različitih aktera obrazovnog procesa o strukturalnim preprekama manjina. Izdvaja i skupinu prepreka koje kazivači u svojim kazivanjima dotiču, ali ih ne percipiraju kao takve. Uz to, promatranjem potkrijepljuje dokaze o postojanju nekih od prepreka. Prepreke u obrazovanu Roma interpretira pomoću teorija antropologije odgoja i obrazovanja, primarno u sklopu kulturno-ekološke teorije. Master's thesis "Obstacles in Education of Roma from Pupils' and Teachers' Perspective" lists theoretical and research findings in the field of minority education, especially of education of Roma, forming research questions upon them. Using qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews with fifth grade elementary school pupils and their teachers and observation, obstacles are examined as seen from perspective of Roma pupils, non-Roma pupils and their teachers. Results show which obstacles are perceived by each interviewed group, on the existence of which obstacles they agree and on which they do not – showing also the difference in awareness of different actors inside the educational process of structural obstacles minorities are facing. The research also points out a group of obstacles that is not perceived by informants, but is mentioned during the interviews. Observation helps to confirm the existence of certain obstacles. Obstacles are interpreted within theories of educational anthropology, mainly within cultural-ecological theory. |