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Rad donosi pregled dosadašnjih saznanja o elafitskom otoku Šipanu na temelju kojih se pretpostavlja njegov razvoj za vrijeme kasne antike i ranog srednjeg vijeka. Nedostatkom pisanih izvora sve do 13. stoljeća kada je i prvi put službeno zabilježen kao dio dubrovačkog izvangradskog područja i neprovođenjem sustavnih arheoloških istraživanja, na otoku se danas u tragovima nazire svako razdoblje. S obzirom na to da se Šipan od samih početaka, pa sve do danas gledao kao dio Elafitskog otočja, a ne kao zasebna cjelina, prva poglavlja će povijesnim pregledom antike na otocima i društveno-političkih zbivanja za vrijeme kasne antike i ranog srednjeg vijeka na širem, dubrovačkom području, uvesti u sam kontekst tog perioda. Također, predstaviti će se i nalazi otoka Koločepa i Lopuda koji doprinose pretpostavkama o razvoju Šipana. Glavni dio rada je katalog s detaljnim opisima sakralne gradnje tog vremena na Šipanu. Rad će se zaključiti s nekim završnim razmatranjima o razvoju otoka u tom razdoblju i njegovom povezanosti s Dubrovnikom. The paper presents an overview of current knowledge of the Elaphite island of Šipan on which the assumption of its development during late antiquity and the early Middle Ages is based on. Due to the lack of written sources up until the 13th century, when the island was also first recorded officially under the authority of Dubrovnik, and the lack of systematic archaeological research of the island, today its history can be seen only in traces. Given that Šipan has always been seen as a part of the Elaphite Islands, and not as a separate entity, the first part will give an insight of remains found on the islands and a historical overview of the socio-political events in the area of Dubrovnik during late antiquity and the early Middle Ages as an introduction to the context of that period. The main part of the paper will be presented as a catalogue of sacral architecture of the island of Šipan from 4th until 11th century with detailed descriptions. The conclusion of the paper will be in the form of some final reflection about the development of Šipan during that period and its connection to Dubrovnik. |