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Ovaj diplomski rad analizira sovjetsku vanjsku politiku od 1917. do 1941. godine s obzirom na ideološke i strukturalne utjecaje. Prvi dio rada postavlja teorijski temelj analize. Sastoji se od poglavlja u kojem se iznosi neorealistička teorija međunarodnih odnosa čija je glavna ideja da struktura međunarodnog sustava utječe na ponašanje država te od poglavlja u kojem se iznosi vanjskopolitička dimenzija predrevolucionarne doktrine marksizma-lenjinizma. Drugi dio rada započinje analizom sovjetske vanjske politike u prvim godinama nakon Oktobarske revolucije koju obilježava usvajanje realpolitičkih metoda te promjene u položaju i sadržaju ideologije što rezultira formuliranjem dualne vanjske politike. Daljnja analiza identificira aspekte ideološkog i strukturalnog utjecaja unutar dualne vanjske politike tijekom međuratnog perioda. This master's thesis analyses the structural and ideological influence of the Soviet foreign policy between 1917 and 1941. The first section of the paper lays the theoretical groundwork for the analysis. It consists of two chapters; the first chapter outlines the neorealist international relations theory which is based upon the idea that the structure of the international system affects the conduct of states; the second chapter presents the foreign policy aspects of the pre-revolutionary doctrine of Marxism-Leninism. The second section of the thesis starts with an analysis of the Soviet foreign policy in the years following the October Revolution. That period was characterized by the adoption of realpolitik methods, as well as by changes in the position and content of ideology, which therefore resulted in the creation of a dual foreign policy. The analysis goes on to further identify aspects of the structural and ideological influence present in the dual foreign policy during the interwar period. |