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Rad se bavi srednjovjekovnom palačom Tavelić-Šižgorić-Galbiani u Šibeniku. Cilj mu je predstaviti palaču kao pozitivan primjer konzervacije, restauracije, adaptacije i revitalizacije kulturnog dobra. Prvi dio rada posvećen je povijesnom razvoju Šibenika kojeg su obilježila dugogodišnja ratovanja, požari, potresi, okupacije i pandemija kuge. U sljedećim poglavljima u fokusu je upis palače u Registar nepokretnih spomenika kulture i konzervatorske smjernice Odsjeka za povijest umjetnosti Instituta za povijesne znanosti u Zagrebu za blok F/II u kojem se palača nalazi. Nadalje, predstavljena je povijest palače kroz prethodne vlasnike, stanje palače prije adaptacije, artikulacija pročelja, prikaz atrija koji djelomično pripada navedenoj palači, ali nije bio obuhvaćen projektom obnove. Detaljno je predstavljen i projekt adaptacije palače kojeg je izradio projektni biro Structor iz Šibenika te je analizirana tlocrtna organizacija palače. Sljedeći dio rada posvećen je novootvorenom Interpretacijskom centru katedrale sv. Jakova – Civitas Sacra u palači, njegovoj simbolici i konceptu, opremi interijera te prostornoj organizaciji Muzeja. Muzejski prostor analiziran je na temelju muzeološke literature, a podijeljen je na potpoglavlja: legende, pristupačnost i primjerenost, inovativne tehnike i povezanost s lokalnom zajednicom. U posljednjem poglavlju predstavljen je muzejski postav koji se nalazi u Interpretacijskom centru katedrale sv. Jakova – Civitas Sacra, a kojeg čine eksponati iz katedrale sv. Jakova i dijecezanske zbirke Šibenske biskupije – slikarska i kiparska djela, relikvijari, kaleži i pokaznice, misna ruha, matrikule i pergamene. The thesis deals with the medieval Tavelić-Šižgorić-Galbiani palace in Šibenik. Its goal is to present the palace as a positive example of conservation, restoration, adaptation and revitalization of cultural property. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the historical development of Šibenik, which was marked by long-term wars, fires, earthquakes, occupations and the plague pandemic. In the following chapters, the focus is on the entry of the palace into the Register of Cultural Property and the conservation guidelines of the Historical Sciences Division of the Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Zagreb for the block F/II in which the palace is located. Furthermore, the history of the palace through the previous owners, the condition of the palace before the adaptation, the articulation of the facade, the view of the atrium which partly belongs to the said palace, but was not included in the renovation project, are presented. The adaptation project of the palace, created by the Structor project bureau from Šibenik, is also presented in detail, and the floor plan organization of the palace is analyzed as well. The next part of the thesis is dedicated to the newly opened in the palace Interpretation Centre of St James Cathedral - Civitas Sacra; to its symbolism and concept, interior equipment and spatial organization of the Museum. The museum space is analyzed on the basis of museological literature, and is divided into sub-chapters: legends, accessibility and appropriateness, innovative techniques and connection with the local community. In the last chapter, the museum exhibit located in The Interpretation Centre of St James Cathedral - Civitas Sacra is presented, It consists of exhibits from the Cathedral of St. James and the diocesan collections of the Šibenik Diocese - works of painting and sculpture, reliquaries, chalices and signs, mass vestments, matriculations and parchments. |