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Ovaj se rad bavi prikazom postsocijalističke nostalgije u bugarskom romanu. U tu svrhu odabrana su tri romana: Propast Vladimira Zareva, 18% sivo Zaharija Karabašlieva i Fizika tuge Georgija Gospodinova. Prvi dio rada posvećen je teoriji, odnosno postsocijalizmu, postsocijalističkoj književnosti, bugarskoj književnosti nakon 1989. godine te nostalgiji i njezinom poimanju unutar suvremenog konteksta. Drugi dio rada sastoji se od tri poglavlja koja sadrže kratko predstavljanje autora i djela te analizu djela za svaki od tri romana. U svakome romanu nostalgija je usmjerena prema nečemu drugome iz prošlosti likova. Najčešći pokretač nostalgije u romanima je gubitak, bilo financijski ili emotivni. Nostalgija je u svakom od tri romana refleksivna, budući da o prošlosti likova saznajemo preko njihovih intimnih sjećanja. Često je pojava nostalgije posljedica neke vrste izmještenosti likova u njihovoj tranzicijskoj sadašnjosti. This thesis deals with the presentation of post-socialist nostalgia in the contemporary Bulgarian novel. For this purpose, three novels were selected: The Ruin from Vladimir Zarev, 18% gray from Zachary Karabashliev, and The Physics of sorrow from Georgi Gospodinov. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to theory regarding postsocialism, post-socialist literature, Bulgarian literature after 1989 and nostalgia and its conception within a contemporary context. The second part of the thesis consists of three chapters that contain a brief presentation of the authors and their novels and an analysis for each of the three novels. In each novel, nostalgia is directed toward something different from the characters’ past. The most common trigger of nostalgia in novels is loss, either financial or emotional. Nostalgia is reflective in each of the three novels, as we learn about the characters’ past through their intimate memories. Often the appearance of nostalgia is the result of some kind of displacement of the characters in their transitional present. |