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Hospitali su bile ustanove koje su zbrinjavale bolesne i siromašne u razdoblju od ranog srednjeg vijeka pa sve do ranog novog vijeka. U Europi se prvi put javili u Bizantu još u 6. stoljeću u sklopu samostana kao takozvani infirmariji. Tek od razvijenog srednjeg vijeka hospitali se odvajaju od samostana te postaju samostalne institucije. U našim krajevima se javljaju od 14. stoljeća. Ovaj rad se temelji na najvećim dalmatinskim komunama – Zadru, Šibeniku, Trogiru, Splitu i Dubrovniku i njihovim zdravstveno karitativnim ustanovama hospitalima. Prikazuje se problematika termina hospital i povezanost s nazivima hospicij, ubožnica i ksenodohij jer u nekim izvorima, a i literaturi nije sigurno radi li se o istim ustanovama ili su sve potpuno različite. U glavnom dijelu radu prikazuje tko su bili osnivači hospitala u jadranskim komunama - pojedinci (plemići i bogati gađani), crkveni redovi, bratovštine ili komune, koji je titular hospitala - po osnivaču ili nekoj crkvi u blizini, kako su se financirali – donacijama građana ili uz pomoć komune, kao i koliki je bio utjecaj Crkve i lokalne i središnje vlast na sam rad hospitala. Hospitals were institutions that provided care for the sick and the poor in the period from the early Middle Ages until the 17. century. First hospitals in Europe were established in monastaries in the 6th century during the Byzantine period. From the High Middle Ages, the hospitals were separated from the monastery and became independent institutions. In our region hospitals begin to be established from the 14th century. This work concentrates on the largest Dalmatian communes - Zadar, Šibenik, Trogir, Split and Dubrovnik and their health care charitable institutions. It shows the issues of the hospital's term and the connection with the names of hospice, almshouse and hostel. In some sources and literature, it is not certain whether they are the same institutions or are completely different. The main part of the paper shows who were the founders of hospitals in the Dalmatian communes - individuals (noblemen and wealthy citizens), church orders, fraternities or communes, how they were named - by the founder or a nearby church, how they were financed - donations of citizens or with the help of the commune, as well as the influence of the Church and local and central government on the work of hospitals. |