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Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati kako istospolni parovi komuniciraju tijekom sukoba u partnerskom odnosu te utvrditi kako se partneri kao par nose sa stresom. Primijenjeni su upitnici kojima su prikupljeni sociodemografski podaci o sudionicima, upitnik komunikacijskih obrazaca prilikom sukoba i upitnik dijadnog nošenja sa stresom. Istraživanje je provedeno online. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 228 sudionika, od čega su 93 muškarci, a 135 žene. Rezultati su pokazali da i muški i ženski parovi najviše koriste obrazac zahtijevanja/povlačenja, manje konstruktivnu komunikaciju, a najmanje uzajamno izbjegavanje te ne postoje rodne razlike. Rezultati na upitniku dijadnog nošenja sa stresom pokazali su rodne razlike: partnerice preuzimaju više odgovornosti kako bi se smanjio stres kod druge partnerice, u većoj mjeri primjećuju da im partnerica daje do znanja da je pod stresom, te obje partnerice više zajedno rade na rješavanju stresnih situacija u odnosu na muške istospolne parove. Rezultati odnosa između komunikacije tijekom sukoba i dijadnog nošenja sa stresom pokazuju da je konstruktivna komunikacije pozitivno povezana sa svim subskalama na upitniku dijadnog nošenja sa stresom, dok su ostale vrste komunikacije prilikom sukoba negativno povezane. U muškim istospolnim parovima pozitivan prediktor konstruktivne komunikacije je zadovoljstvo zajedničkim nošenjem sa stresom, a negativni prediktori uzajamnog izbjegavanja su delegirano nošenje partnera A, negativno nošenje partnera B i zajedničko nošenje sa stresom. U ženskim istospolnim parovima pozitivni prediktori konstruktivne komunikacije su podržavajuće nošenje partnerice B i zadovoljstvo zajedničkim nošenjem sa stresom, negativan prediktor obrasca zahtijevanja/povlačenja je negativno nošenje partnerice A, a i negativan prediktor uzajamnog izbjegavanja je zajedničko nošenje sa stresom. The main purpose of this research is to examine the ways in which couples communicate during a conflict that might emerge within their partnerships, and to determine ways in which partners cope with stress during such conflicting situations. What was applied and gathered throughout the research were the questionnaire that aimed to collect socio-demographic data of the participants, the questionnaire that aimed to collect information on the communication patterns, and the questionnaire that aimed to collect information on the dyadic coping with stress during a conflict. The research was realized on-line. There were 228 participants (93 males, 135 female) that took part in this research. The results of the communication patterns questionnaire showed that both male and female couples mostly applied a pattern of demand and withdrawal, less often a constructive communication, and most rarely a mutual avoidance, and that there were no any differences in terms of gender. The results of the questionnaire show that female partners take more responsibility in reducing the stress in their partners, that they notice more often when their partners send them signals of distress, and that both partners collaborate and deal with the stressful situation more frequently in comparison to the same-sex male couples. The results considering the communication during the conflict show that the subscale of constructive communication and the subscale of the dyadic stress conflict are positively linked, while all the other kinds of communications are linked negatively. The positive predictor of a constructive communication in the same-sex male couples is the satisfaction invoked by a common coping with stress, while the negative predictors of mutual avoidance are partner A’s delegated coping, partner B’s negative coping, and the common coping with stress. The positive predictors of a constructive communication in the same-sex female couples are partner B’s supportive coping and the satisfaction invoked by a common coping with stress. The negative predictor of the demand and withdrawal pattern is partner’s A negative coping with stress, while the negative predictor of a mutual avoidance is a common coping with stress. |