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Ovaj se rad bavi ekspedicijama i putovanjima kao utjecajem i načinom sabiranja muzejskih predmeta te stvaranja svjetske baštine. Na početku ukratko govori o samom pojmu sabiranja i o politici sabiranja, a zatim se okreće putovanjima i ekspedicijama te kroz primjere istih govori o okolnostima sakupljanja, o motivaciji i o cilju sakupljanja te konačno, dolaskom predmeta u muzej. Rad pokriva većinski primjere ekspedicija i putovanja na kojima su sakupljeni predmeti koje danas možemo naći u Britanskom muzeju ili u muzeju Louvre, a treće se poglavlje odnosi na braću Seljan i na njihov doprinos hrvatskoj kolekciji afričkih i južnoameričkih predmeta. Na kraju se rad osvrće na enciklopedijski tip muzeja kao mjesta stvaranja svjetske baštine, na njegov nastanak i razvoj te na svrhu tog muzeja. This thesis discusses expeditions and travels as an influence and a way of collecting museum artifacts and creating world heritage. At the beginning, it shortly explains the sole term of collecting and collecting policy after which it focuses on travels and expeditions and through examples of the two, it talks about the circumstances of collecting, about the motivation and the goal behind it and, finally, about the arrival of the artifacts in the museum. The thesis covers mostly examples of expeditions and travels on which the objects that we can today find in the British Museum and in the Louvre have been collected, while the third chapter talks about the brothers Seljan and their contribution to the Croatian collection of African and South-American objects. In the end, the thesis covers the encyclopedic type of museum as a place of creating world heritage, its founding and development and the purpose of said museum. |