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Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se pozicioniranjem učenika srednjih škola u suradnji obitelji i škole, što podrazumijeva istraživanje različitih razumijevanja, djelovanja i nedjelovanja učenika iz njihove vlastite perspektive. U teorijskom dijelu predstavljena su istraživanja koja naglašavaju važnost pojedinih oblika suradnje u srednjoj školi te određeni čimbenici te suradnje koji se odnose na učenike, a zatim je predstavljena i adolescencija kao specifičan razvojni period. Na kraju se nalazi pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja o pozicijama i ulogama učenika u suradnji obitelji i škole. Empirijsko istraživanje kvalitativne je prirode, a cilj mu je opisati kako učenici srednjih škola vide idealnu suradnju obitelji i škole i opisati s kojim sve čimbenicima povezuju ulogu koju sami u suradnji svoje obitelji sa školom trenutno zauzimaju. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je deset učenika srednjih škola, a metoda prikupljanja podataka bila je intervju. Rezultati su pokazali da učenici idealnu suradnju obitelji i škole razumiju kao pozitivan odnos roditelja i nastavnika obilježen kvalitetnom, ali umjerenom komunikacijom. U analizi su razlikovani čimbenici aktivnosti, poput želje za autonomijom, potrebe za roditeljskom podrškom i potrebe za privatnošću, te čimbenici pasivnosti, poput osjećaja sposobnosti i samostalnosti, zauzetosti roditelja i nepostojanja želje za sudjelovanjem. Odnosi moći izdvojeni su kao specifičan čimbenik učeničkog i aktivnog i pasivnog pozicioniranja. Na kraju rada navedena su određena ograničenja istraživanja te je naglašena važnost ovog istraživanja u pedagoškom kontekstu suradnje obitelji i škole. This graduate thesis deals with the positioning of secondary school students in the cooperation between family and school, which implies researching different understandings, actions and inactions of students from their own perspective. In the theoretical part, firstly, research is presented that emphasizes the importance of certain forms of cooperation in high school and certain factors of that cooperation that relate to students. Secondly, adolescence is presented as a specific developmental period. Lastly, there is an overview of previous research on the positions and roles of students in the cooperation between family and school. Empirical research is of a qualitative nature, and its goal is to describe how high school students see the ideal cooperation between family and school and to describe with which factors they associate the role they currently play in the cooperation between their family and the school. The research sample consisted of ten high school students, and the data collection method was an interview. The results showed that students view the ideal cooperation between family and school as a positive relationship between parents and teachers characterized by high-quality, but moderate, communication. In the analysis, the factors of activity, such as the desire for autonomy, the need for parental support and the need for privacy, and the factors of passivity, such as the feeling of competence and independence, the busyness of parents and the lack of desire to participate, were distinguished. Power relations are singled out as a specific factor of student active and passive positioning. At the end of the paper, certain limitations of the research are stated and the importance of this research in the pedagogical context of family and school cooperation is emphasized. |