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Francuska revolucija 1789. godine označila je kraj monarhije u Francuskoj te razračunavanje s prošlošću. Ona predstavlja prekretnicu u društvenom, kulturnom i političkom životu Francuske, a koja je imala dalekosežan utjecaj na cjelokupni europski kontinent. U radu je definirano kako je Francuska revolucija utjecala na kulturnu baštinu i njeno shvaćanje općenito. Baština, koja je do tada bila u rukama svećenstva i plemstva, odnosno dio privatnih zbirki, nakon 1789. godine postaje dostupna svima. Naime, nakon Francuske revolucije sve se smatralo vlasništvom naroda pa tako i cjelokupna baština. Doneseni su propisi o zaštiti baštine, a spomenici povijesti, znanosti i umjetnosti prepoznati su kao dio kulturne baštine naroda. Sastavljani su popisi umjetnina i građevina korisnih za obrazovanje naroda, a država je imala dužnosti brinuti se o njima. Sukladno tomu, dolazi i do osnivanja muzeja pa je u tom razdoblju nastao i Louvre, jedan od najpoznatijih svjetskih muzeja. Osnovan je i Muzej francuskih spomenika u Parizu koji je prije služio kao depo predmeta iz crkava i samostana koji su bili porušeni tijekom same revolucije. The French revolution of 1789 marked the end of the monarchy in France and the reckoning with the past. It represents a turning point in the social, cultural and political life of France, which has has a far-reaching impact on the entire European continent. The paper defines how the French Revolution influenced cultural heritage and its understanding in general. The heritage, which until then was in the hands of the clergy and nobility, that is, part of the private collections, after 1789 becomes available to everyone. After the French Revolution, everything was considered the property of the people, including the entire heritage. Regulations of the protection of heritage were adopted, and monuments of history, science and art were recognized as part of the cultural heritage of the people. Lists of the works of art and buildings useful for the education of the people were compiled, and the state had the duty to take care of them. Accordingly, a museums were founded, and during this period the Louvre, one of the world's most famous museums, was created. The Museum of French Monuments was also established in Paris, which previously served as a depot for objects from churches and monasteries that had been demolished during the Revolution itself. |