Didelio meistriškumo rankininkių treniravimo modeliavimas
Autor: | Kniubaitė, Audinga |
Přispěvatelé: | Skarbalius, Antanas |
Jazyk: | litevština |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: | |
Popis: | Sportininkų treniravimas yra daugiaplanis vyksmas (Lambert & Mujika, 2013; Buchheit, 2014; Mattocks et al., 2016; Bourdon et al., 2017; Buckner et al., 2017; Conte, Kolb, Scanlan, & Santolamazza, 2018; Kenneally, Casado, & Santos-Concejero, 2018; Michalsik, 2018; Bompa & Buzzichelli, 2019; Laursen & Buchheit, 2019; Skarbalius, Vidūnaitė, Kniubaitė, Rėklaitienė, & Simanavičius, 2019), reikalaujantis laikytis bendrųjų sistemos valdymo (Adams, 1971; Schmidt, 1975), treniravimo modeliavimo bei valdymo (Banister, Calvert, Savage, & Bach, 1975; Banister, 1991; Halson, 2014; Bourdon et al., 2017; Buchner et al., 2017; Cardinale & Varley, 2017; Coutts et al., 2017; Cunanan et al., 2017; Kellmann, Bertollo, Bosquet, Brink, Coutts, Duffield, & Kallus, 2017; McGuigan, 2017) principų. Sporto mokslininkai teigia, kad tik planingas, tinkamai valdomas sportininkų rengimo vyksmas sudaro sportininkams palankias sąlygas geriausius rezultatus pasiekti per svarbiausias varžybas (Busso & Thomas, 2006; Mujika & Busso, 2008; Thorpe et al., 2016; Coutts et al., 2017; McGuigan, 2017; Manchado et al., 2018; Michalsik, 2018; Bompa & Buzzichelli, 2019; Impellizzeri et al., 2019; Mujika et al., 2018; Skarbalius et al., 2019). Valdymas apima rezultatų prognozavimą, varžybinės veiklos modeliavimą, varžybų programos sudarymą ir vykdymą, sportinio rengimo koregavimą (Lambert & Mujika, 2013; Buchheit, 2014; Mattocks et al., 2016; Bourdon et al., 2017; Buckner et al., 2017; Kenneally et al., 2018; Michalsik, 2018; Laursen & Buchheit, 2019; Skarbalius et al., 2019). Kryptingas sportininkų treniravimas, kad per svarbiausias varžybas jie pasiektų geriausius rezultatus, remiasi treniravimo valdymo principais: superkompensacija (nuovargio), dviejų veiksnių, prisitaikymo ir padidintų krūvių bei perkrūvių, fenomenu, rengimo ir parengtumo arba parengtumo ir rengimo sąveika, energijos šaltinių rungtyniaujant ir treniruojantis atitikimo principu, koncentruotų, palaikomųjų ir atgaunamųjų rengimo programų koncepcija, atsigavimo programų taikymu, treniravimo ir parengtumo stebėsena (Halson, 2014; Bourdon et al., 2017; Buckner et al., 2017; Cardinale & Varley, 2017; Coutts et al., 2017; Gabbett et al., 2017; McGuigan, 2017; Cunanan et al., 2018; Kellmann et al., 2018; Mujika et al., 2018; Bompa & Buzzichelli, 2019; Skarbalius et al., 2019). Taikomos treniravimo programos turi atitikti sportininkų pajėgumą, priklausomai nuo jų amžiaus, lyties ir meistriškumo. Tačiau nėra konkrečių treniravimo modelių, neapibrėžtos treniravimo modelių charakteristikos. Problema tampa ne tik tai, pagal kokius treniravimo kriterijus modeliuoti treniravimo programas, bet ir kokiais kriterijais remiantis treniravimo modelius valdyti. Neteko aptikti informacijos, kokie treniravimo modeliai yra veiksmingi ir kokius vienerių metų treniravimo modelius reikėtų taikyti didelio meistriškumo rankinio komandos sportininkėms. Tyrimo problema – kaip modeliuoti didelio meistriškumo rankininkių treniravimą, kad parengtumas būtų išlaikomas devynis varžybų laikotarpio mėnesius? Tyrimo hipotezė – integrali periodizacija, grįsta klasikinės ir blokų periodizacijos principais, taikomų specifinių ir nespecifinių pratybų krūvių išoriniai ir vidiniai rodikliai leidžia veiksmingai modeliuoti ir valdyti didelio meistriškumo rankininkių treniravimą sezono metu. Tyrimo objektas – didelio meistriškumo rankininkių treniravimo valdymas ir modeliavimas. Tyrimo tikslas – parengti didelio meistriškumo rankininkių metinio ciklo treniravimo modelį ir nustatyti jo valdymo kriterijus. Uždaviniai: 1. Parengti didelio meistriškumo rankininkių sezono treniravimo periodizacijos modelį. 2. Apibūdinti didelio meistriškumo rankininkių rungtynių bei įvairaus turinio pratybų išorinius ir vidinius krūvio rodiklius. 3. Nustatyti treniravimo modeliavimo valdymo kriterijus. 4. Atskleisti didelio meistriškumo rankininkių sportinės ir akademinės veiklos ypatumus. Disertacijos mokslinis naujumas. Remiantis klasikinės ir blokų periodizacijos principais, parengtas didelio meistriškumo rankininkių sportinio sezono treniravimo modelis, nustatytos optimalios blokų trukmės, treniravimo krūvių ir turinio rodiklių reikšmės, skirtingų pratybų krūvių seka, siekiant sulėtinti detreniruotumo procesą arba retreniruoti pablogėjusį parengtumą. Pateiktos įvairių pozicijų didelio meistriškumo rankininkių skirtingo pobūdžio pratybų išorinių (judėjimo) ir vidinių (intensyvumo) krūvio rodiklių modelinės reikšmės. Nustatytos rungtynių ir kontrolinių rungtynių pramankštos, pirmo ir antro kėlinio išorinių ir vidinių krūvio rodiklių reikšmės. Nustatyti didelio meistriškumo rankinio komandos sezono valdymo kriterijai (periodizacijos elementai, treniravimo krūviai ir turinys, pratybų pobūdis, išoriniai ir vidiniai krūvio rodikliai). IŠVADOS 1. Parengtas didelio meistriškumo rankininkių mišrios periodizacijos treniravimo modelis leidžia veiksmingai valdyti (kaitalioti) žaidėjų detreniruotumą ir retreniruotumą, kad parengtumas būtų išlaikomas devynis mėnesius ir geriausi rezultatai būtų pasiekiami kelis kartus per sezoną. 2. Apibūdintos skirtingų pozicijų didelio meistriškumo rankininkių modelinės rungtynių, kontrolinių rungtynių, priešvaržybinių, integraliojo rengimo, technikos ir taktikos, jėgos, ištvermės pratybų išorinių bei vidinių krūvio rodiklių charakteristikos. 3. Nustatyti rankininkių treniravimo valdymo kriterijai: ● mišrios periodizacijos blokų modeliai, ● rungtynių, kontrolinių rungtynių, priešvaržybinių, integraliojo rengimo, technikos ir taktikos, jėgos, ištvermės pratybų išorinių bei vidinių krūvio rodiklių reikšmės. 4. Veiksmingai taikomas didelio meistriškumo rankininkių treniravimo modelis skatina jaunuomenę siekti dvejopos karjeros. Athlete coaching is multidimensional process (Lambert & Mujika, 2013; Buchheit, 2014; Mattocks et al., 2016; Bourdon et al., 2017; Buckner et al., 2017; Conte, Kolb, Scanlan, & Santolamazza, 2018; Kenneally, Casado, & Santos-Concejero, 2018; Michalsik, 2018; Bompa & Buzzichelli, 2019; Laursen & Buchheit, 2019; Skarbalius, Vidūnaitė, Kniubaitė, Rėklaitienė, & Simanavičius, 2019), inseparably requiring the application of general technological principles of system management (Adams, 1971; Schmidt, 1975), coaching modelling and control (Banister, Calvert, Savage, & Bach, 1975; Banister, 1991; Halson, 2014; Bourdon et al., 2017; Buchner et al., 2017; Cardinale & Varley, 2017; Coutts et al., 2017; Cunanan et al., 2017; Kellmann, Bertollo, Bosquet, Brink, Coutts, Duffield & Kallus, 2017; McGuigan, 2017). Sports business product developers are constantly increasing the number of competitions and extending the duration of competitions (Mujika et al., 2018; Laursen & Buchheit, 2019). This inevitably poses problems of how to prepare athletes for competitions in a short period of time. Usually, elite handball players prepare for the season during the six weeks of the preparation period (Michalsik, 2015). However, research still has not revealed if a training program of similar duration could ensure the preparation of high-performance female handball players for the sports season. Another problem is how to maintain handball players’ sport performance during the nearly 10-month competition period because the deterioration of the players’ biomotor abilities also leads to the inevitable processes of detraining, which is the decreasing sport performance (Mujika & Padilla, 2000; Mujika & Busso, 2008; Mujika, 2017; Mujika et al., 2018). For this reason, retraining programs are applied to recover sport performance (Gabbet et al., 2017; Bourdon et al., 2017). The ongoing detraining processes raise two other problems: 1) when and what retraining models to apply in order to retrain sport performance; 2) what models of detraining and retraining and their changes would allow athletes to achieve the highest level of sport performance several or even ten more times a season (Mujika & Padilla, 2000; Mujika & Busso, 2008; Mujika, 2017; Mujika et al., 2018). Such complex problems of athlete coaching can be solved only by applying the complex management of athlete coaching (Cunanan et al., 2018). Although sports science researchers (Grandou, Wallace, Impellizzeri, Allen, & Coutts, 2019) present complex models of athlete coaching management, they still usually study only narrow aspects of athlete coaching monitoring. This allows managing athlete coaching only in part – some one-sided aspects of sport performance (Abade, Abrantes, Ibáñez, & Sampaio, 2014). Therefore, only a systematic approach to athlete coaching, only the systematic management of athlete coaching can ensure their targeted coaching (Araújo & Davids, 2016). However, systematic management of coaching of high-performance female handball players has not been developed yet. Effective coaching of athletes is characterized by elements of sport performance and training (Gabbett et al., 2017; Lazarus et al., 2017) that interact according to the principle of a closed loop control system (Schmidt, 1975). If specific sport performance is given priority, it is likely that specific training will predominate in the coaching of athletes as well. Attitudes are not the same for both sport performance and training. Researchers (Hoff & Helgerud, 2004; Laursen & Buchheit, 2019) believe that the three types of sport performance – athletic, technical and tactical – are the most significant, others (Bangsbo, 1994; Skarbalius, 2003) emphasize theoretical preparation as well. Such different philosophies describing the sport performance of handball players also define different philosophies of their coaching. Hoff and Helgerud (2004) maintain that athletic, technical and tactical training should take one thirds each in coaching and they do not separate theoretical, integral and psychological training in percentage terms. Bangsbo (1994), Skarbalius (2003) also do not single out psychological training. Researchers (Bresciani et al., 2010; González, Coronado, & Rosa, 2013) suggest that psychological training is carried out in conjunction with other types of training, and in particular with highintensity physical activity, especially during the preparation period. However, athlete coaching requires a comprehensive training program that covers all types of training (Clemente, Nikolaidis, Guijarro, Martins, & González-Víllora, 2017; Skarbalius et al., 2019). For this reason, Skarbalius and co-authors (2019) argue that it is necessary to distinguish not only all types of training, but also the time devoted to warming up and recovery. However, the current research has not yet developed a model for the percentage structure of elite handball players’ training types in a sports season. The problem of periodization of the sports season. After extending the period of competitions of Lithuanian high-performance female handball players to nine months, also when it is necessary to achieve the highest level sport performance at the beginning, middle and especially at the end of the season, during the final stage of the Lithuanian Championship, it becomes problematic and unacceptable to apply the principles of both classical (Matveyev, 1964) and block (Issurin, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2016; Mattocks et al., 2016) periodization. The problem is how to integrate the principles of one and the other periodization in general (Kenneally et al., 2018; Manchado et al., 2018; Mujika et al., 2018) and how to implement this by developing a season coaching model for high-performance female handball players. The problem is how player loads and content should change depending on the periodization, and what coaching concepts (consistent training, concentrated training, simultaneous effect, conjugate training) should prevail (Bresciani et al., 2010; Rosenblatt, 2014). The coaching model of sports season periodization for elite female handball players has not been grounded by research yet. External and internal loads in workouts. For two decades now, a new technological trend in athlete coaching has been introduced in the assessment of external and internal load indicators (Bartlett, O’Connor, Pitchford, Torres-Ronda & Robertson, 2017; Castillo, Weston, McLaren, Cámara, & Yanci, 2017; McLaren et al., 2018; Impellizzeri et al., 2019; Bredt, Chagas, Peixoto, Menzel & de Andrade, 2020). The external loads of elite handball players are characterized by the characteristics of player loads (distance covered, movement at different speeds, movement on different axes), and different intensities (Luteberget & Spencer, 2017; Wik, Luteberget, & Spencer, 2017; Luteberget, Trollerud, & Spencer, 2018). Studies of internal loads of high-performance handball players were also performed (Manchado et al., 2013a; Michalsik, Aagaard, & Madsen, 2013; Belka, Hulka, Safar, Weisser, & Samcova, 2014; Michalsik, Madsen, & Aagaard, 2014; Michalsik, 2015, 2017, 2018) describing objective (intensity zones in terms of heart rate per minute) and subjective (perceived exertion method – RPE) evaluation criteria. The subjective method of RPE is especially relevant (Borg 0–10). Studies (Foster, 1998; Foster et al., 2001) have established it as a valid and reliable method. This is especially relevant because research has shown that when performing the same external loads, athletes and coaches evaluate their impact on athletes’ internal loads differently (Foster, Rodriguez-Marroyo, & De Koning, 2017). Both specific (playing official and control matches, improving technical and tactical skills) and non-specific loads (developing general strength, endurance) are used when coaching female handball players. In order to optimize the coaching program, it is important to determine what external and internal loads are performed by high-performance female handball players during matches and how they differ from other loads applied. Research has not yet identified the values of external and internal load indicators of elite female handball players’ practise sessions, which would create preconditions not only to optimize the coaching of the handball players’ teams, but also to individualize loads according to the players’ positions. Management of coaching modeling for female handball players. Accidental examination of the characteristics of sport performance or coaching of individual female handball players remains only as an indicator value describing those characteristics (Van den Tillaar & Ettema, 2004; Ronglan, Raastad, & Børgesen, 2006; Thorlund, Michalsik, Madsen, & Aagaard, 2008; Haugen, Tønnessen, & Seiler, 2016; Bourdon et al., 2017; Ferragut, Vila, Abraldes, & Manchado, 2018; Wagner et al., 2019; Vila, Zapardiel, & Ferragut, 2020; Wagner, Fuchs, & Michalsik, 2020). Research relevance. The sport performance of a handball team is determined by a number of factors, the effects of which are quite different and many of the factors have not been scientifically studied yet. The performance of female handball players has even less been studied. Moreover, the peculiarities of the effect of different factors on high-performance female handball players have not been studied. The research problem of the dissertation was to determine the essential criteria of team sport performance management: training loads and the athlete’s response to the training load, which would allow for effective modeling and development of optimal coaching programs. It is relevant to model and manage the coaching process based on those criteria so that the sports results are achieved in a timely manner. The problem questions arise as to what criteria (Kelly & Coutts, 2007; Coutts et al., 2017; Wik et al., 2017; Hermassi et al., 2018; Skarbalius et al., 2019) could be used to model the coaching of high-performance female handball players and what criteria would facilitate managing coaching. The analysis of the research problem allows to raise a hypothetical assumption that only a complex and systematic approach would allow to manage the coaching of high-performance female handball players’ during sports season. Research problem: how to model the coaching of highperformance female handball players to maintain sport performance during the competition period for nine months? Research hypothesis: integral periodization, based on the principles of classical and block periodization, external and internal indicators of specific and non-specific training loads applied allow for effective modeling and management of season coaching for highperformance female handball players. Research object: management and modeling of high-performance female handball players’ coaching. Research aim: to develop a coaching model for the annual cycle of high-performance female handball players and to set the management criteria. Objectives: 1. To develop a periodization model of season coaching for highperformance female handball players. 2. To describe the external and internal loads of high-performance female handball matches and practice sessions with different content. 3. To establish coaching modeling management criteria. 4. To reveal the peculiarities of sports and academic activities of high-performance female handball players. The study is based on the following theoretical provisions: Athlete coaching is an educational process that creates wide spaces for personal development, motivation and pursuit of a dual social career (Moreno & Cervello, 2005; Šukys, 2005; Malinauskas, 2007, 2008; Vella et al., 2013; Romar et al., 2016; Henry, 2013; Ryba et al., 2017; Brustio et al., 2020; Harrison et al., 2020). Effective management of athlete coaching is based on the principle of a closed loop control system and the monitoring of the relationship between coaching and sport performance models (Perl, 2001; Busso & Thomas, 2006; McGarry et al., 2013; Cunanan et al., 2018; Mujika et al., 2018). Modeling of detraining and retraining. During a long period of competitions, changes in athlete detraining and retraining are affected by modeling of the content of training loads based on one- and twofactor theories (Mujika & Padilla, 2000; Mujika & Busso, 2008; Mujika, 2017; Mujika et al., 2018). Classical and block periodization training of athletes. The integrated application of the classical and block periodization model allows athletes to achieve the highest sport performance several times in one season (Matveyev, 1964; Issurin, 2008, 2016; Mattocks et al., 2016; Mujika et al., 2018). Scientific novelty of the dissertation. Based on the principles of classical and block periodization, a coaching model for highperformance female handball sports season was developed, the optimal values of block duration, training loads and content indicators were determined, the sequence of different practice loads to slow down the detraining process or retrain deteriorated sport performance was established. Model values of external (movement) and internal (intensity) load indices of different types for high-performance female handball players of different positions were developed. The values of external and internal load indicators of matches and control matches were established for warming up, the first and second halves. Criteria for high-performance female handball team season management (periodization elements, training loads and content, nature of exercises, external and internal indicators of loads) were established. Limitations. Due to the limited number of subjects in the target group, an experiment of one alternative was performed and without comparing the research indices with those in the control group, it is not possible to assess the effect of the coaching program on changes in sport performance. Further research. Using valid and reliable recording CATAPULT equipment, to study the peculiarities of the relationship of external and internal loads including specific exercises applied in different practice sessions, which would allow individualization of loads for players and create preconditions for more efficient management of handball coaching process. Practical significance of the dissertation. Based on the principles of classical periodization, it is recommended to model the season coaching program in blocks. The developed high-performance female handball coaching model for the sports season will be able to be used not only by teams of the same skill level, but, based on the principles of the model structure, coaches will be able to prepare a coaching program for teams of different mastership or ages. The target model characteristics of microcycles, block contents and load volume were determined. The presented model of changes of the seven loads (matches, control matches, integral training, pre-competition, technicaltactical, strength, endurance) during the whole season will allow coaches to practically manage the processes of players’ detraining and retraining. The identified characteristics of external and internal loads of players in different positions will allow individualization of training loads for players. CONCLUSIONS 1. The developed mixed periodization model of high-performance female handball players’ sports season coaching allows to effectively manage changes in players’ detraining and retraining so that sport performance is maintained for nine months and the best results are achieved several times per season. 2. Model characteristics of external and internal load indices of high-performance female handball players’ in different positions matches, control matches, pre-competition, integral training, technicaltactical, strength, and endurance training are described. 3. Criteria for the management of handball players’ coaching were established: ● mixed periodization block models, ● values of external and internal load indies of matches, control matches, pre-competition, integral training, technical-tactical, strength, and endurance training. 4. An effective model of high-performance female handball players; coaching promotes the education of young people seeking for a dual social career. |
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