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Підвищення ефективності функціонування мереж визначає коло задач, які потребують розв’язання, а саме – ефективність роботи базових станцій, енерго- та економічна ефективність. У роботі отримано ряд наукових результатів, спрямованих на підвищення ефективності роботи базових станцій стільникових мереж зв’язку, зокрема: вдосконалено метод планування ПБС оператора стільникового зв'язку з урахуванням впливу додаткових параметрів на процес розповсюдження радіохвиль; метод розвантаження радіоінтерфейсу ПБС за рахунок використання багатоканальної передачі даних, додаткового радіоінтерфейсу не-3GPP стандарту, протоколів MPQUIC, MPTCP та MLPPP та динамічного зваженого балансування навантаження; розроблено метод та інформаційну технологію підвищення енергетичної ефективності ПБС оператора стільникового зв'язку. Загалом результати досліджень дозволяють більш точно визначати радіус зон обслуговування базових станцій (до 9-10%); обирати найбільш оптимальний варіант по критерію вартості та функціональної стійкості (до 99%); майже вдвічі збільшити кількість активних абонентів в мережі; на 15 % зменшити сукупне енергоспоживання. Розроблений обфускатор StiK на 10% швидший і в 1,37 рази більше захищений, ніж аналоги. The introduction of the latest high-performance cellular networks of the new generation can be considered a strategic direction of providing the citizens with accessible means of receiving, transmitting and disseminating information. A key element of any cellular network is the base station subsystem. Data transfer begins with it. Therefore, a very important and urgent task is to increase the efficiency of the base station subsystem. To achieve the main goals, increase the efficiency of cellular communication networks, the following was used in the dissertation: methods of information theory and signal transmission (for the analysis of methods of information transmission in broadband radio systems); methods of the theory of electromagnetic wave propagation (for research of process of an electromagnetic field attenuation depending on frequency and distance in actual operating conditions of cellular networks); computer modeling methods (to verify the adequacy of developed models and methods); methods of direct synthesis (for the development of structural diagrams of devices and systems; field experiment (to verify the adequacy of the developed methods to improve the efficiency of the base station subsystem). The method of planning the base station subsystems of the cellular communication operator was improved due to considering the influence of additional parameters on the process of radio wave propagation, as well as construction of functionally stable communication topology between base stations and comparison of construction options by cost. This method made it possible to more accurately determine the radius of base stations service areas (up to 9-10%) and choose the most optimal option on the basis of cost and functional stability (up to 99%). Moreover, the method of unloading the base station subsystem radio interface has been improved due to the use of multi-channel data transmission, additional non-3GPP radio interface, MPQUIC, MPTCP and MLPPP protocols and dynamic weighted load balancing. This method made it possible to double the number of active subscribers in the network and reduce the total energy consumption by 15%. For the first time a method was developed to increase the energy efficiency of the base station subsystem of the cellular operator, which, unlike the existing ones, consists in sequential use of procedures for unloading the radio interface of base stations, in using alternative sources of renewable energy as well as adaptive energy consumption which allows to reduce energy consumption, adjust the radiated power to the needs of subscribers and increase the economic efficiency of the base station subsystems. Based on the use of all the above methods, it was for the first time when information technology had been developed which improves the efficiency of the base station subsystems of the cellular operator, which in contrast to the existing ones, allows to reduce energy costs, costs of construction and operation of the subsystem of cellular operator base stations, and thus increases technical, energy and economic efficiency of the subsystem of cellular operator base stations by using an improved method of planning the cellular base station subsystem, improved method of unloading the radio interface subsystem of base stations as well as the method of increasing the energy efficiency of the subsystem of cellular operator base stations. To implement the developed information technology to the modern cellular network infrastructure, appropriate algorithmic and software solutionswere developed forplaning a more efficient architecture of the base station subsystem and increase its efficiency. To ensure the security of this software product, the method of mobile operator software protection based on obfuscation technique was improved. According to experimental results, the developed StiK obfuscator is 10% faster and 1.37 times more protected than analogues. All this helps telecommunications companies to protect data from different types of attacks. The materials of the dissertation had been already introduced into the operations of Bundleslab KFT (Hungary), the State Research Institute of Special Communication and Information Protection, the educational process of the National Aviation University (Ukraine). Theoretical results obtained during the dissertation research reveals new possibilities to identify and propose new practical ways to increase the efficiency of subsystems of cellular network base stations in Ukraine. The obtained results allow: to more accurately estimate the maximum allowable range of radio communication; more effectively plan the location of base stations; to introduce new algorithms for unloading cellular communication networks, to use LTE and 5G wireless networks in planning, to develop hardware and software for data transmission systems, as well as in the educational process. |