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У роботі зазначено, що проблеми та досягнення будівельної галузі Харківського регіону є типовими для будівельної галузі всієї України. Визначені критерії оцінки діяльності будівельних організацій Харківського регіону з позиції антикризового управління. Виявлено падіння обсягу виконаних будівельних робіт за всіма видами будівельної продукції в 2013 – 2014 рр. Зроблено висновок, що темпи зростання величини операційних витрат над величиною операційних доходів свідчать про розбалансованість операційної діяльності будівельних підприємств. The paper states that any economic system can not be in a rest state. Its functioning includes periods of development, periods of rest, and periods of crisis. These processes are cyclic. The results of the factors analysis held among the construction industry employees, provided both in the construction industry in general and in its components and can hinder its development, namely the construction of buildings, construction of buildings and specialized construction work was concluded that the most powerful are financial constraints. It is noted that the problems and achievements of the construction industry in Kharkiv region are typical for the construction industry throughout Ukraine. The criteria for evaluating the activities of construction organizations of Kharkiv region from the standpoint of crisis management are determined. It is revealed that the amount of construction works performed in Kharkiv region is one of the best in Ukraine, also indicators of capital investment in the state budget are one of the highest. There is a high number of employees in construction with low unemployment and a gradual increase in wage growth rate is one of the best in Ukraine. Thus, the construction industry of Kharkiv region can be considered as the basic model in shaping the principles of crisis management in the construction industry of Ukraine. Decrease in the volume of construction works performed for all types of construction products in 2013-2014 was revealed. It is concluded that the growth rate of operating expenses over the magnitude of operating income indicates an imbalance in the construction enterprises operating activities. It is noted that in crisis any enterprises, and enterprises of the construction industry in particular, must have their own stocks for the organization of production, make competent investment policy involving funds from various funding sources. It is concluded that while analyzing only the indicators of profitability – net, gross, operating of Kharkiv region construction industry can not be recognized as full. It is important to identify and analyze the hidden potential and problems of construction companies in order to determine the methods of crisis management |