American Parenting Styles As Reflected in Tracy Letts’ Play August: Osage County

Autor: Mutiara, Ayunesha Rizal
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: This thesis discusses the parenting styles in the play August: Osage County by Tracy Letts. This study explores how parenting styles are presented in literary works and displayed the relationship between the author and his work. In analyzing this thesis, the writer uses Sociology of Literature by Alan Swingewood about the social aspect in which parents play an important role in the social life of children and supported by an expressive approach by M.H Abrams to show the relation between the author and his work. This thesis focuses on evaluating the three parenting styles proposed by Baumrind; authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive and their influence on the quality of children. From this research, the writer concludes that Letts proposes the three parenting styles in his play and identifies the quality of children based on the parenting style they received. Also, the writer found that this play is a reflection of Tracy Letts’ experiences shown by several characters in the play, particularly in Jean because of his position as a grandson in the family. The result of the analysis is presented descriptively. Keywords: parenting style, authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, children’s qualities
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