Mehmed Nidâî’s Verse Medicine Treatise, Keyf-i Kıtab-ı Nıdaı

Autor: Ölker, Perihan, Direkçi, Bekir
Přispěvatelé: Selçuk Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü, Ölker, Perihan, Direkçi, Bekir
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: Eski Anadolu Türkçesi döneminde pek çok telif ve tercüme eserin arasında tıp metinlerine hatırı sayılır bir yer ayrılmıştır. Bilhassa Osmanlı döneminde tıp eserlerinin arttığı gözlenmektedir. O dönemin tıp dilini yakından tanımak ve bu doğrultuda çalışmalar yapmak, bilim dili olarak Türkçenin geleceğinin de parlamasını sağlayacaktır. Biz bu çalışmamızla Konya Bölge Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesinde 2739/2 arşiv numarasıyla kayıtlı 1567-68 tarihinde yazılmış, Nidâî’nin Keyf-i Kitâb-ı Nidâî başlıklı eserini tanıtarak eldeki diğer nüshalarla birlikte değerlendirmeye çalışacağız.
The physicians (Muslim physicians) in Seljuk Period wrote their works in Arabic and Persian. They had to learn Arabic, for it was the language of science. By the middle of 15th century, works on medicine started to be written in Turkish.With the effect of the principalities founded in Anatolia,Old Oghuz Turkish were becoming the language of writing. 15th century was the time when Otoman medicin began to act.It is not possible to assert that medicine experienced an important improvement in 16th century. However, among the important works of 16the century in this field was Menafi’ü-n Nas which had been written for the people by the famous physician Hekim Nidai. This prose work attracted so much attention that many manuscripts of its emerged. Having a great number of its copies in the libraries in Turkey, Menafi’ü-n Nas was abridged by Nidai to be written in verse form and be introduced to Selim II. This work written in verse form also attracted much attention and got dublicated for many times. In this study, we will try to introduce and evaluate Keyfi Kitabı Nidai at Konya Bölge Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi (Konya Local Library of Hand-written Works) which is a copy of Durr-i Manzum that Nidai formed by abridging his own work,Menafi’ü-n Nas, to be written in verse. II.Physician Mehmed Nidai : Nidai,from Ankara, is among the physicians who lived during the reign of Sultan Selim II. Information about his life is obtained through his works and, it is thought that he lived between 1509 and 1567. Menaf’i-ün Nas, Durr-i Manzum, Tenbihname, Esrar-ı Genc-i Mana, Tercüme-i Nazm-ı Lokman Hakim and Vasiyetname are among his works. Nidai lived in Konya and adopted Mevlevi. He became affiliated with Selim II after Selim acceded to the throne. Even though Nidai is said to have promoted up to the rank of headphysician, there is no concrete evident. Resources mention Nidai as Kaysunizade Mehmed Celebi, for that he was confused with Kaysunizade Bedrettin Muhammed who was one of the headphysicians during the reign of Solomon I. III:Durr-i Manzum : Durr-i Manzum is well known as the short form of Menafiu’n-Nas by Nidai which was abridged and written in verse. Having many copies, the work is mentioned as Ed-Durru’l-Manzum in some other resources. On the other hand, it is pointed that the work is under the name of Menafiu’n-Nas in catalogs. Researchers have done various studies on the copies of the work. Ahmet Hulusi Köker and Talat Sakallı assert that the work has 56 hand-written copies in the libraries of Turkey and they introduce the one registered with the number of 570/5 in Ahmet Raşit Efendi Library in Kayseri. Critically reviewed texts of the 6 copies of the work (2 from Suleymaniye Library, 1 from Nuruosmaniye Library, 1 from Hajı Selim Aga Library, 1 from Beyazid State of Library , and 1 from the Library of Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Branch of Deonhtology) were put forth by Umran Ay as a meticulous Master’s thesis. IV.(Keyf-i) Kitab-ı Nida’i: Registered with the serial number of 2739/2 in Region Manuscripts Library of Konya Eserler Kütüphanesi, the work is given, in catalogues, as Risale-i Tıbbıye (Treatise on Medicine)/ Kaysunizade Mehmed Nidai . Titled as Ta Keyf-i Kitab-ı Nidai, the work is among documents 45b-66b in a magazine on medicine. Written from beginning to end in the form of mesnevi(rhymed couplets) , the work got the title (Keyf-i) Kitab-ı Nidai and was written in the style of Fe’ilatün/Mefa’ilün/Fe’ilün. As a result, the work is of the same metre with both the versed section in the introductory part of Menafiu’n-Nas and other copies of Durr-i Manzum. However, there are many metric defects in the work. We may attribute this to the fact that the aim was not to write in metre but to be instructive. The work consists of 708 couplets and there is a prose part of 6 lines in the last quatrain. Titles of the sections and phrases in Arabic are written in red-ink. In the text is a note, "Nidainündür bu tel’if’’ (Copyright belongs to Nidai) , which is understood to have been added later. Following the section of Tevhid(unification) are the part of sebeb-i telif and the pray for Selim II. The date(AH. 975/BC. 1567-68) when It was common to teach through poems in the tradition of Old Oghuz Turkish and Otoman Turkish. Among the works on medicine which were written in verse are Tabiatname by physician Bereket and Müfid that was the versed form of Teshilü’ş-Şifa by Hacı Pasha. Nidai also abridged his well-known work Menafiü’n-Nas to be written in verse in order that it could easily be borne in mind. Consequently, he enabled his work, mostly known as Durr-i Manzum and Keyf-i Kitab-ı Nidai through the copy we have, to spread in a wide geography. The work is mentioned under various titles in handwritten catalogues. The copy on which we study is already registered as a treatise on medicine written in verse and titled as Keyf-i Kitab-ı Nidai. Nevertheless, when examined, the work is understood to be a copy of well-known Durr-i Manzum. There are alterations between copies (between those Ümran Ay studied on, the copy we have out of Konya Bölge Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi -Konya Local Library of Handwritten Works- and the one registered with an archive number of 45 Hk 1858/1 in Manisa İl Halk Kütüphanesi – Manisa Public Library-.) These alterations are in bab titles as well as in turns of couplets and in the words used. One of the important special features of the work is that Persian and Arabic versions of a word are given along with the Turkish version. As a consequence of this point, the text can function as a dictionary. If an unknown word given in the text is the name of a disease, it is defined with details to show what it means. In this way, a serious role in diagnosis and treatment is granted. In this direction, the potential studies on the fact that language of science will be Turkish, and those to give the Turkish responses of medicine terms are seen important. As a result, it is critical that these texts be put forth to be examined comparatively.
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