Acquired knowledge of pharmacy students regarding the rational use of antibiotics through the curricula of the faculty

Autor: Milošević-Georgiev, Andrijana, Krajnović, Dušanka, Petković, Marija, Jambrek, Jakov, Šesto, Sofija
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Arhiv za farmaciju
Popis: Discovery of antibiotics significantly decreased the mortality rate and extended life expectancy. However, the irrational use of antibiotics has made bacteria resistant to a number of them (1). Many countries are adopting certain strategies for the use of the antibiotics. Integral parts of these strategies are the education of health professionals as well as KAP research (knowledge, attitudes and behaviors) of medical students regarding the rational use of antibiotics (2). The aim of the research was to examine the knowledge of pharmacy students regarding the rational use of antibiotics in Serbia through an online questionnaire. The research was conducted among 375 students, during 2019 at 5 faculties in Serbia with department of pharmacy from junior to senior study year. The sample was determined as 10% of the total number of students in each year of study. The average age of respondents was 22.15 ± 1.78 years. The largest percentage of students (86.9%) answered that a module on the rational use of antibiotics (drugs) within the Pharmacy study program is needed. Respondents' knowledge was tested through 15 questions. The total percentage of correct answers in the questionnaire was 85.2%. Most of the respondents had 14 correct answers (32%), while 16.8% had all 15. The knowledge level mostly grew from the first to the final year of study. The knowledge of Serbian pharmacy students regarding the rational use of antibiotics is at a high level and they are aware of the antimicrobial resistance problems as well as the irrational use of antibiotics. Otkriće antibiotika značajno je smanjilo stopu smrtnosti i produžilo životni vek. Sa druge strane, neracionalna upotreba antibiotika dovela je do pojave da su bakterije rezistentne na veći broj antibiotika (1). Mnoge zemlje širom sveta donose određene strategije za upotrebu antibiotika. Sastavni delovi ovih strategija su edukacije zdravstvenih radnika kao i KAP istraživanja (znanja, stavova i ponašanja) studenata zdravstvenih fakulteta u vezi sa racionalnom upotrebom antibiotika (2). Cilj istraživanja je bio da se putem online upitnika ispitaju znanja studenata farmacije u vezi sa racionalnom upotrebom antibiotika na nivou Srbije. Istaživanje je sprovedeno na 5 fakulteta u Srbiji na kojima postoji odsek farmacija, na svim godinama studija. Uzorak je bio određen kao 10% studenata od ukupnog broja na svakoj godini studija. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom juna i jula 2019. godine. U istraživanju sprovedenom online učestvovalo je 375 studenata. Prosečan broj godina ispitanika bio je 22,15±1,78. Najveći procenat studenata (86,9%) je odgovorio da je modul o racionalnoj upotrebi antibiotika (lekova) u okviru studijskog programa Farmacija potreban. Znanja ispitanika proverena su kroz 15 pitanja. Ukupan procenat tačnih odgovora u upitniku bio 85,2%. Najveći procenat ispitanika je imao 14 tačnih odgovora (32%), dok je na svih 15 pitanja tačno odgovorilo 16,8%. Procenat znanja je uglavnom rastao od prve ka završnoj godini studija. Znanja studenata farmacije u vezi sa racionalnom upotrebom antibiotika, na nivou Srbije, su na visokom nivou i svesni su problema antimikrobne rezistencije kao i neracionalne upotrebe antibiotika. VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beograd
Databáze: OpenAIRE