Trend of tractors development

Autor: Obradović, Dragoljub, Dumanović, Zoran, Kresović, Branka, Petrović, Predrag
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Traktori i pogonske mašine
Popis: Today's production is a technical improvement of tractors of previous production and this production is a basis for the future tractor production. There are two principal approaches in the tractor development: 1) development according to adopted categorization and standardization at the country level, and 2) development based on the concepts of manufacturers. This is a reason for the increased number of different tractors types in the markets, which requires scientific and profession knowledge in their selection. The existing categorization and standardizations of tractors in Serbia absolutely corresponds to the modern tractor production, hence they are main support for the adequate choice of tractors that are suitable for our conditions of agricultural production. The modern tractor production includes a standard weight and variable ballast that is added to a tractor in dependence on its purpose. The trend of modern tractor production is directed to the increase of tractor engine power and to the decrease of tractor specific weight by which the optimum tractor working speed is regulated. Sadašnja proizvodnja traktora predstavlja tehničku usavršenost traktora predhodne proizvodnje i čini osnovu za buduću proizvodnju. Razvoj traktora obuhvata dva osnovna pristupa. Jedan se odnosi na razvoj prema usvojenoj kategorizaciji i tipizaciji na nivou države, a drugi na osnovu koncepcije proizvođača saglasno njegovim mogućnostima. Ovo je razlog da se na tržištu stalno povećava broj različitih tipova traktora, što uslovljava naučno-stručno znanje pri izboru. Postojeća kategorizacija i tipizacija traktora za Srbiju u potpunosti odgovara savremenoj proizvodnji traktora, tako da je ona glavni oslonac za adekvatan izbor traktora koji odgovaraju našim uslovima poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Savremena proizvodnja traktora ima standardnu masu i promenljiv balast, koji se dodaje traktoru u zavisnosti od njegove namene. Trend proizvodnje traktora usmeren je na povećanje snage motora, a na smanjenje specifične mase traktora kojom se regulišu optimalne agrotehničke brzine kretanja.
Databáze: OpenAIRE