The influence of herbicides on changes of the phytic and the inorganic phosphorus during starting growth of maize inbred lines

Autor: Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Sredojević, Slobodanka
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Zaštita bilja
Popis: The specific sowing structure of maize seed crops requires special attention to weed management. The maize inbred lines are susceptible to a range of stress factors, so as the herbicide application could introduce temporary or permanent stress, dependently on genotype susceptibility and agro-meteorological conditions. The aim of experiment was to investigate the influence of post-emergence herbicides on content of the phytic and inorganic phosphorus 48 hours after herbicide application (4-6 leaves phase) and then 21 days after application, as well as on the grain yield of 10 ZP maize inbreds. The difference in phytic P content after 21 days was followed by yield alterations in the majority of inbreds. Decrease of the phytic P influenced by herbicides, in relation to control, 48 hours and particularly 21 days after application, could be tied to phytate positive impact to stress tolerance, owing to its antioxidative activity; so as, at the most of inbreds was observed permanent stress, with no significant influence on grain yield. Meanwhile, during the period of 21 days after herbicide application, the inorganic P content correlated with phytic P content, without significant alterations of grain yield. U semenskim usevima kukuruza, zbog specifične strukture setve se posebna pažnja obraća na kontrolu korova. Samooplodne linije kukruza su inače osetljive prema brojnim stresnim faktorima. Primena herbicida može dovesti do pojave privremenog ili permanentnog stresa, zavisno od osetljivosti genotipa i agro-meteoroloških uslova. Cilj eksperimenta je bio da se ispita uticaj herbicida koji se primenjuju nakon nicanja kukuruza, na sadržaj fitinskog i neorganskog fosfora 48 sati nakon aplikacije herbicida (u fazi 4-6 listova), a potom nakon 21 dana, kao i na prinos zrna 10 komercijalnih ZP linija kukuruza. Razliku u sadržaju fitinskog P nakon 21 dana od tretiranja pratila je promena prinosa kod većine linija. Takođe, smanjenje sadržaja fitinskog P pod uticajem herbicida u odnosu na kontrolu, 48 sati nakon tretiranja, a posebno nakon 21 dana bi moglo biti vezano za pozitivnu ulogu fitata u toleratnosti na stres, zahvaljujući njegovoj antioksidativnoj aktivnosti, tako da je kod većine tretiranih linija bio zabeležen privremeni stres, bez značajnijeg uticaja na prinos. Sa druge strane, sadržaj neorganskog fosfora u periodu do 21 dana od momenta tretiranja herbicidima u većem stepenu je bio u korelaciji sa sadržajem fitinskog fosfora, ne utičući značajnije na formiranje prinosa.
Databáze: OpenAIRE