Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Penelitian ini melengkapi penelitian continuous improvement penulis sejak S1 dan S2, dalam implementasi manajemen di organisasi, mengamati terputusnya implementasi dari kebijakan dan risikonya terhadap organisasi. Fenomena terputusnya implementasi hubungan industrial dari kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan terlihat dari meningkatnya perselisihan hubungan industrial seiring penambahan Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan antara tahun 2000-2004. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan model evaluasi CIPP, pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, focus group discussion, dan studi dokumentasi disertai uji validasi menggunakan triangulasi dan uji pakar, serta analisis data menggunakan teknik interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Kebaruan dari penelitian ini adalah model BCGC continuous growth, untuk mengatasi masalah terputusnya implementasi dari kebijakan. Model ini menemukan permasalahan pada 56 klausul yang ada serta 77 kebutuhan klausul tambahan pada Peraturan Perusahaan, berikut 117 masalah implementasi Undang-Undang yang berisiko perselisihan hubungan industrial, menghasilkan 81 standar antisipasi perselisihan hubungan industrial. Model ini juga berguna untuk mengukur tingkat konvergensi strategi departemen dan bisnis, sekaligus membangun fungsi dan peran SDM sebagai mitra strategis organisasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan terputusnya 48% kebijakan ketenagakerjaan dari implementasi, yang berisiko gagalnya pencapaian strategis organisasi. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan terputusnya implementasi dari kebijakan disebabkan masalah implementasi kebijakan, bukan perumusan kebijakan. Kata kunci: evaluasi, terputus, implementasi, kebijakan, riset, kualitatif, model CIPP, ketenagakerjaan, perselisihan, hubungan industrial, model BCGC, continuous growth, konvergensi, SDM, strategis ABSTRACT This research complements the author's continuous improvement research since S1 and S2, in the implementation of management in organizations, observing the disconnect of implementation from the policy and the risks to the organization. The phenomenon of the disconnect of the implementation of industrial relations from the Manpower policy can be seen from the increase in industrial relations disputes in line with the addition of the Manpower Law between 2000-2004. The study used a qualitative method with the CIPP evaluation model approach, primary and secondary data collection by interviewing, observation, focus group discussion, and documentation study accompanied by a validation test using triangulation and expert testing, with data analysis using the interactive technique of Miles and Huberman. The novelty from this research is the continuous growth model, to overcome the problem of disconnected of implementation from the policies. This model finds problems in 56 existing clauses as well as 77 needs for additional clauses in Company Regulations, along with 117 problems of Law implementation that are at risk of industrial relations disputes, resulting in 81 standards for anticipating industrial relations disputes. This model is also useful for measuring the level of convergence of departmental and business strategies, as well as building the functions and roles of HR as an organization's strategic partner. The results of the study found that 48% of the labor policies were disconnected from implementation, which risks the failure of the organization's strategic achievement. The results of the study concluded that the interruption in the implementation of policies was caused by problems in policy implementation, not policy formulation. Keywords: evaluation, disconnected, implementation, policy, research, qualitative, CIPP model, employment, disputes, industrial relations, BCGC model, continuous growth, convergence, HR, strategic
Databáze: OpenAIRE