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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran berbasis ubiquitous learning mata kuliah Dasar Pemrograman. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan (R&D) dengan pendekatan yang dilegitimasi oleh Borg & Gall yang mengadopsi Steps of Systems Approach Model of Educational Research and Development dan model pengembangan Rowntree. Produk dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah model pembelajaran dasar pemrograman yang menerapkan langkah-langkah pengembangan program dan pemecahan masalah dalam lingkungan belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja. Model pembelajarannya dilengkapi dengan bahan pembelajaran berupa modul. Lingkungan belajar dirancang untuk membantu peserta didik dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran, Learning Management System dengan platform aplikasi open source Moodlecloud. Hasil evaluasi formatif yang melibatkan berbagai pakar dan peserta didik, menunjukan bahwa produk yang dihasilkan layak untuk digunakan. Rerata nilai pre-test yang diperoleh mahasiswa 44,48 dan post-test 75,24 sehingga peningkatan rerata skor yang didapatkan mahasiswa 30,76. Efektivitas model pembelajaran dasar pemrograman berbasis ubiquitous learning mencapai nilai minimal baik (70) sebesar 76,19%. Hasil uji signifikansi menggunakan uji-t menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar sebelum dan sesudah penerapan metode pembelajaran. Peningkatan (N-gain) hasil belajar mahasiswa sebesar 0,56 yang berarti metode pembelajaran cukup efektif. This study aims to develop a ubiquitous learning-based instructional model for Basic Programming courses. The method used is research development (R&D) with the approach introduced by Borg & Gall which adopts the Steps of Systems Approach Model of Educational Research and Development and combines with Rowntree’s model. The learning model is equipped with learning materials in the form of modules, a learning environment designed to assist students in following the learning process, a Learning Management System with the open-source application platform Moodlecloud. The product of this research is a basic programming course instructional model that applies the steps of program development and problem-solving in a learning environment anywhere and anytime. The learning model is equipped with learning materials in the form of modules. The learning environment is designed to assist students in following the learning process, a Learning Management System with the open-source application platform Moodlecloud. The results of the formative evaluation involving various experts and students, show that the resulting product is feasible to use. the average pre-test score obtained by students is 44.48 and post-test is 75.24 so that the increase in the average score obtained by students is 30.76. The effectiveness of the basic learning model of programming based on ubiquitous learning reaches a good minimum score (70) of 76.19%. The results of the significance test using the t-test showed a significant effect of the u-learning learning model in improving student learning outcomes. The average value of achievement (N-gain) obtained is 0.56 which means that the effectiveness of the developed model is classified as quite effective. |