Reduction of respiratory pancreas motion using an MRI and proton therapy compatible abdominal corset

Autor: Schneider, S., Stefanowicz, S., Jentsch, C., Lohaus, F., Valentini, C., Platzek, I., Troost, E. G. C., Hoffmann, A. L.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 8th MR in RT Symposium 2021, 19.-21.04.2021, Heidelberg, Deutschland
Popis: Objectives: An MRI- and particle therapy compatible patient-individualized abdominal corset was developed and its efficacy to reduce respiratory-induced pancreas motion was evaluated by orthogonal 2D-cine and 4D-MRI. Patients & Methods: Nine patients (6 female; average age 72.9±9.6 years) with tumors of the pancreas (7), gallbladder (1), or liver (1) provided written informed consent to be scanned on a 3T MRI scanner (Philips Healthcare) by means of orthogonal 2D-cine and 4D-MRI, without and with a patient-individualized abdominal corset, respectively. A polyethylene (PE) abdominal corset (ORD Dresden GmbH) was customized based on an optical 3D-surface scan (Artec Eva®). For MR imaging the patients were positioned supine on a flat tabletop using an anterior coil holder to avoid compression of the chest wall. For 2D-cine MRI, coronal and sagittal slices were selected to image the pancreatic head. The 4D-MRI dataset was reconstructed by retrospectively resorting a multi-slice 2D acquisition into 10 respiratory phases. Pancreas motion was determined as center-of-mass displacement in three orthogonal directions (inferior-superior (IS), anterior-posterior (AP), left-right (LR)). Results and Conclusion: MRI revealed predominant motion in IS direction, which was reduced by 42% (p
Databáze: OpenAIRE