On the Way to a Superconducting RF-Gun: First Measurements with the Gun Cavity

Autor: Barthels, E., Büttig, H., Gabriel, F., Grosse, E., Janssen, D., Bushuev, A., Karliner, M., Konstantinov, S., Kruchkov, S., Myshkin, O., Petrov, V., Sedlyarov I, I., Tribendis, A., Volkov, V., Sandner, W., Will, I., Stein, P., Vogel, H., Matheisen, A., Pekeler, M., Thiel, C.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 445 (2000) 408
Popis: The parameters of a superconducting RF gun cavity have been measured in a test cryostat of DESY. A field strength of 31.8 MV/m at the cathode has been obtained.
Databáze: OpenAIRE