Depth profiling of light elements in PAMBE-grown GaN and helium-implanted titanium with heavy ion time-of-flight elastic recoil detection

Autor: Markwitz, A., Kennedy, V. J., Durbin, S. M., Johnson, P. B., Mücklich, A., Dytlewski, N.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Surface and Interface Analysis 36 (2004) 317-322
Popis: The heavy ion time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis (HI-ERDA) technique was used to investigate the possibility of measuring near-surface elemental depth profiles of light and mid-Z elements in thin films of plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE)-grown GaN and helium-implanted titanium. The great advantage of HI-ERDA is the ability to measure mass-separated elemental depth profiles simultaneously. However for some materials it is not certain whether HI-ERDA can be used successfully because significant sputtering or other beam-induced damage may occur. The damage to the surfaces by a 77 MeV iodine beam was assessed using RBS, AFM and profilometry. The results show that for thin PAMBE-grown polycrystalline GaN films and for titanium that has been heavely implanted with helium a significant modification of the near-surface region is caused by the probing heavy ion beam. For the PAMBE-grown GaN films the most significant loss trend is observed for nitrogen. Surprisingly this was not accompanied by a change in surface topology. In contrast, an almost complete removal of the heavily helium-implanted surface layer was measured for the titanium specimens. The investigation shows that reference measurements with additional techniques such as RBS, AFM and profilometry have to be performed to ascertain sample integrity before HI-ERDA data can be used.
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